Hello all. This is my friend Lucha, who lives down the street. She is an elder, and Lulu says we have to pay her extra respect, because she is very wise.
Lucha and I met when I was a little puppy. She didn't exactly approve of my presence in her house, but she didn't swat me either, so I guess I was okay. She has a lot of dignity, and a very loud voice. She likes to talk even more than Lulu.
The other night, Mami installed a cat door in the utility room, because there was just a hole in the door, and it's getting cold in the living room because the air from the unheated laudry room keeps blowing in.
Lulu didn't know what to make of it. She seemed very afraid, and she wouldn't listen when Mami showed her how to open the flap and come inside. Instead she just sat in the utility room and cried and cried.
The next day, Mami listened to one of my Tias suggestions, and she closed Lulu in the utility room, and then opened a can of tuna in the kitchen, and put it on a plate just next to the cat door. Finally Lulu pushed the door open with her paws and popped down onto the carpet to eat her tuna. Now she uses the cat door all the time.
Mami's friends are very smart and have lots of good ideas.