Friday, June 30, 2006
Papi love

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Did I mention it's hot?

Seriously, I thought the Pacific Northwest was too cold until about a week ago, and then all of a sudden it's hot as blazes! There aren't enough fans to keep my belly cool, and it's too hot to even go out on walks, because the sidewalk would burn my pads. All I can do is pant and eat popsicles. It's really cramping my style. Lulu is even worse, because her fur is a lot thicker, but she spends her time downstairs where it's dark and cool, and I don't get to go down there with her, so I'm stuck upstairs, feeling muggy and sad. I can't wait til Fall!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Heat wave

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006
Gettin' clean

Well, my weekend was fairly unremarkable, except for yesterday morning, when Mami decided I smelled like old corn chips and put me in the bath. I don't mind the bath, because the water is always warm and Mami doesn't make me stay in there very long, but the fun part comes after she dries me off and I run around the house like I'm on fire. I go up and down the hallway and around the living room and up onto the couch and back down again and then I roll around on the carpet for about a half an hour, to get the soap smell off. Then for the rest of the day I'm all fluffy.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday fun

Yesterday was pretty fun, cause Mami had the day off work, so we spent most of our time together. First we had a really long walk around downtown, and I got to go shopping! We went into this neat garden store and bought my Abuela Anne a birthday present, and the clerks all loved on me, which was nice. I have learned to be very polite and quiet in stores, so that I don't get into trouble, and that way Mami lets me sniff things. There's always lots to smell in stores. Then we went home and I had a nap while Mami went grocery shopping, and she came back and brought me a new toy, a turqouise ball. I pretty much killed it immediately and tore it apart. She also bought some weird spray stuff and put it on the carpet, and now it tastes bad to chew.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

He also wasnt' happy that I tore up the corner of the hall rug, and that I'd taken one of Mami's black purses and gnawed on it.
I don't think they understand that I'm a puppy, and that's kind of my job. If you don't want something chewed up, don't leave it where I can see it. I'm alone a lot during the day, and I have to find something to do with all my free time! I can't just chase the cat all day.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Bat dog strikes back

Well, now that my nails are trimmed, I've turned into stealth choodle. You can't hear me coming down the hall, and when I bounce next to the bed in the morning, there's no click click click. Mami says now I sound like a tennis ball bouncing. She likes it better that way. It's easier to ignore.
But that doesn't mean my teeth are any smoother. I'm still a good biter and chewer. In fact, I demonstrated my talents on the hall rug this morning. Papi thinks I'll grow out of it. I'm not so sure.
Monday, June 12, 2006

Yesterday, while Mami was at work, Papi had bad allergies so he slept all afternoon. It looked like a really good idea, so I did to. By the time Mami came home, we were awake, sort of, but neither of us really got very peppy until the weather cooled down and the pollen went away. Today it's rainy, which makes us less sneezy. Unfortunately, Papi is taking me to the groomer's today to get my nails trimmed. I kind of get bitey when my parents try to cut them, so they're bringing in a professional. Normally I don't bite strangers.
I'll bring you a full report tomorrow.
UPDATE: I just got back from the groomers. It went just fine. It only took five minutes, and I now have nice short little nails again, so I won't click on the hardwood floor. The big bear that trimmed my nails does a much better job than Mami and Papi. I didn't even growl.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Viva Mexico!

Papi and I got up this morning to watch the second half of the Mexico versus Iran game on Univision. It was very exciting! I liked watching Argentina yesterday, but this was even better. Papi gets very excited and shouts at the television. Mami likes to watch it too. Yesterday she made us Dutch babies with fresh strawberries, and coffee, and we watched the game and then went for a walk. I like to play with my own pelota when we're watching, it's red and yellow and it squeaks really loud! Ole ole ole ole!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Happy Friday

Hey folks! Blogger.com has been malfunctioning all week and hasn't allowed me to do any posting, so sorry about the lapse. It's been frustrating, since I had so much to tell you. On Wednesday, I was very sick with a belly ache and spent most of the morning feeling very stinky indeed. Yesterday I was much better, but I got in trouble for chewing bits out of Papi's vintage embossed leather briefcase. Tonight, I'm excited, because my Madrina Mary Ann and my Tia Theresa N. are coming by to visit and to watch the premiere of "Meerkat Manor" on Animal Planet. We looooove meerkats!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Weekend in the country

I had a great weekend! Mami and Papi loaded me into my new dog car carrier on Saturday and we drove up into the mountains to visit Mami's parents. I got to follow my abuela around as she made pancakes and bacon, and then we sat on the deck in the sunshine and then I wandered around the garden sniffing flowers. I even got to walk in the woods! It was very exciting. I've attached a bunch of photos for everyone to see! Enjoy.
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Yesterday I attended my first picnic, and it was quite exciting, although the rain certainly dampened my spirits and my paws for awhile. But since Mami carried me most of the time, it wasn't too bad, and we got to be next to the barbecue, and everything smelled SO good. All of Papi's co-workers were there, and my Tio Tony brought me over a special piece of grilled burger that had fallen apart. Papi gave me little bits of it so I wouldn't get a stomach ache, and it was crazy good. I don't understand why Mami got a whole burger and I only got a little, but oh well. In this photo you can see me in my fancy picnic dress with another of my favorite people, my friend Lani. She likes to hug me and lets me lick her face, which is my favorite thing to do. Someday, I want to go to a picnic where it's warm and everyone sits in the grass and I can roll around.
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