Thursday, August 31, 2006

Time off for good behavior

Hey folks! I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a short hiatus from blogging because we're going to be moving this weekend, and Mami won't have her computer to use for a little while. They've already started painting the walls and moving boxes and I guess Lulu and I are moving in on Saturday, along with the furniture. I will have them take lots of photos of me exploring the new yard and the house and everything, and you'll be able to see all the cool things I learn about living in a house.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Love among the boxes

It's been quite a busy week, and it's only going to get crazier this week. More and more boxes are piling up, and things are getting harder to see because the walls are disappearing behind cardboard. Mami has promised she won't pack up my toys, which is a relief. I think Lulu really likes the mess because she climbs on top of everything and has a good time.
This weekend, Mami went to visit a wolf sanctuary, and she brought me back a tasty bit of wolf hair. It smelled crazy, and it was pretty tasty, although I only got to have one little bite before she took it away. Oh well!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Fresh and clean

This morning, I had to hide under the bed in an attempt to escape a bath, but Mami found me and popped me into the tub. I hate getting wet, it's so stinky and cold. Also it makes me look a lot smaller. But she is a pretty quick scrubber, so it didn't take long, and then I got to run around the house going cracker dog until I dried off.
Later on, Mami gave me a cheese and bacon dog biscuit as a reward, which made everything seem a lot better.
Hey, this is my 100th post! We should have a party!

Friday, August 25, 2006


Last night was pretty weird, because Mami started taking all these big cardboard boxes and filling them with stuff. Lulu and I weren't sure what was going on. We started circling around them like sharks, sticking our heads inside and sniffing and occasionally bumping into each other. The boxes just grew and grew, and it got all dusty, and there was newspaper all over but Mami wouldn't let me eat it. I was very confused. Finally she stopped taping things and sent us all to bed. I was tired from all that sniffing, and so was Lulu! She went right to her basket. This morning I checked, and all the boxes are still there. I wonder what's going on.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I heard some news

Mami and Papi get to move into their new house next week! I guess they found out today that they sign all their paperwork on Monday and then they get the keys. This means a lot of boxes to play around in with Lulu, and chasing the broom, and then finally getting run around my new yard. I can't wait!

Kitten talk

Lulu here once again. I haven't posted in awhile but I thought it was about time. As you can see here, I've been helping everyone with getting ready for the big move. In this photo, I was trying out the new bedspread for the guest room, to make sure it was comfortable. I think it goes nicely with my eyes, don't you? I am a little worried about moving, I hear the new house doesn't have a staircase, so how am I supposed to escape when Emma is chasing me? Also, I don't know where my food bowl is going to go, and that is of prime importance. Mama assures me that everything will work out, but I'm a cat and therefore I don't like change.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I had a very exciting day yesterday. Mami took me out for a drive and we visited the new house, although I didn't get to run around because the people are still moving out, and Mami was afraid I'd chase their cats. Afterward, we went home and there were two big boxes waiting for me, filled with presents from my Abuela in Nuevo Mexico.
I got so many good things, including a small wardrobe to keep all my dresses, and a big snake that crackles, and a furry stuffed chipmunk. I spent all night killing the snake and chewing on the chipmunk's feet. It was very very exciting! I love presents.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Exciting times

I know I post a lot of photos of me eating and sleeping, but honestly, that's a lot of what I do. Here's me this morning, eating my first meal of the day.
So it looks like by the end of the month, we're going to be in our new house. I still haven't seen it yet, but I hear the yard is really big and has scrunchy grass and places to dig. My abuelo is going to help put some wire fence up so I can't squeeze through the holes in the wood fence. I don't think they trust me to behave and stay in the yard, especially not if I see a cat to chase.
I can't wait to see where I'm going to be living! I'm going to run run run around the house and chase Lulu and sniff in all the corners. Woohoo! As soon as we move in, I'll show you some pictures of my new digs.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Dinner time

This is me eating my birthday dinner last month. I got to have a big plate of pork dogfood, which was a special treat, because normally I'm on a dry dogfood diet.
Last night, I tried everything in my power to get Papi to give me some of his chocolate chip ice cream. He tried to tell me it was poisonous, but I don't believe it. How come he doesn't get sick then? I think it was just an excuse to keep the container all to himself.
Mami's more generous. She gives me sherbet on a spoon. I especially like raspberry. Lulu doesn't care for it, she said she likes things with cream in them. She's more of a picky eater than I am. In fact, sometimes I eat things that aren't even food at all. Like sticks and rubber bands and pen caps. Mami says it's a wonder I'm still alive.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Hangin' with Miss Lulu

We don't always get along, but Lulu and I are still pretty good friends. Most of the time, we just chase each other around and wrestle and jump out from behind doors and make a lot of noise, especially when everyone else is asleep.
But sometimes, when we're both really sleepy, we'll let our guard down and snuggle a little. Like last night. I was asleep on Mami's lap when Lulu came to lay next to her leg on the couch. At first I was nervous that she might swat me, but then I could tell she was lazy, so I leaned over and gave her some kisses on her face, just to test her, and she didn't mind, so I gave her some more. Then we both fell asleep. It was kinda nice. Until the phone rang, and Mami left the couch, and then we started chasing each other again.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Lost and found

I have the hardest time with all the bookshelves in our house. It doesn't take long before one of my favorite balls rolls under there, and then I can't get it out again. Then I lay on my belly and growl and whine and kick and wait for Mami to come over and fish it out. But sometimes, when she bends down to get it, I get too excited and I bop her in the eye with my nose. Then she gets mad and doesn't want to help me any more. Until I beg.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Cautiously optomistic

Well, it's time for me and Red Cat to celebrate. We heard this morning that the owners have accepted Mami and Papi's offer on the new house, so if everything works out, I could have a back yard by next month! I'm so excited that I have to wrestle with everything! Mami and Papi are pretty excited too, but there's a lot of paper stuff to do before it all gets done, or that's what they tell me. I like paper stuff, it's fun to tear up, but I have a feeling Mami wouldn't be happy if I took any of her papers and ripped them up on the carpet.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Just hanging around

Per usual, my weekend was pretty mellow. I got in some good walks, and a lot of time on the ol' scooter ball, and last night Mami bought me this sweet purple stuffed cat that I think is pretty fantastic.
I also tried some new foods. I'm not so hot on blueberries, but I really like Canadian bacon, and I'm keen on raw greenbeans. Mami didn't give me too many, she thought it might do something funny to my belly, but I suffered no ill aftereffects.
Tonight, Mami and Papi are going to see about a house. I've got a good feeling about it. Who knows, I may be getting a yard sooner than I think!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

More napping

I love the summer, because it means Papi is home a lot more than normal, and we can take naps together. For instance, last night, I used his belly as a cushion and slept for an hour, while Mami was downstairs watering the garden.
I keep hearing talk about possibility relocating. Mami says they're looking for a house with a big yard for me, which would be fantastic. And Lulu wants a house with lots of windows and places to sleep in the sunshine. They said they're taking all of our needs into consideration as they house hunt. I'm excited, but I'll miss the old place. It's where I grew up. I won't miss the stairs though. I keep losing tennis balls down them.