Let me tell you, we've been going non-stop this weekend. This whole new house thing has really kept us busy, and this weekend was no exception. On Saturday, my grandparents and my great-grandma came down to visit, the one from Portland who takes care of me when Mami and Papi go on trips. It was so exciting to get to cuddle on her lap and fall asleep.
Then on Sunday there was lots of running around and long walks and then Mami, who was feeling kind of sickish, took a nap with me on the couch. That was very nice, although I snuck down once to see what Papi was doing, and then snuck back before she woke up.
Lulu and I also tried to see if we could escape from the house. Mami caught Lulu on top of the clothes hamper, trying to open the lock to the outside door, and I was underneath, waiting to run through if she succeeded. Unfortunately, we got caught and chased off.