Wow. What a day. I just had my very first trip to the beach, and it was so exciting! Today is the day after summer solstice, and so Mami and Papi thought it would be great fun to drive over to the coast for the afternoon. So we all loaded into the car and headed to the beach.
At first, I wasn't sure what was going on. The air smelled really funny and there was this weird roar in the air like the wind, only it wasn't very windy. I really liked running through the soft sand, and sniffing all the things I was finding there. But then, it got colder all of a sudden and the sand got really hard and glisteny. Then, when I wasn't looking, this big splash of water hit my toes. I was surprised!
I figured out right away that there was this sneaky thing called a wave that would come up every once in awhile and try to get me, and then Papi and I would run away. Mami liked it, so she stayed in the water, but she was smart and had shorts on. Papi had on jeans and so he tried not to get wet.
We walked all the way to some neat black rocks and climbed around and watched the waves, and then we watched the surfers ride the big waves. Afterward, we walked a really long way picking up shells and rocks and sniffing seaweed. Then we drove over to the Bay and walked on the waterfront. We stood on the dock and watched a really big fishing boat go by, and then in the water we saw a beautiful speckled seal. It was really neat.
I was super tired on the drive home and covered in sand, but I stayed awake and listened to Mami read to Papi to keep him awake during the drive. Then we stopped for ice cream, and Mami gave me some of her sundae! It was such a great day.
I have put some of my photos here, and will post some more tomorrow because there are so many fun ones!