Mami tried to take a shower on Friday and all of a sudden the pully thingy on the spout didn't work, so she had to use a bucket to wash her hair, like the one she uses to give me a bath. She didn't like it very much, and I can understand because I don't like baths either. Then Papi had to use it too, and that's hard, cause it takes a lot of water to get Papi clean.
This morning after they ate pancakes, Mami and Papi went to the store and came back with a shiny new spout. It took two of them to figure out how to make it work, but they got it on finally, although it was hard to make the spout face the right direction! Mami was very excited when she turned on the water and it worked! Now they can take showers again. Which I guess they're happy about. As for me, the less I'm in the water, the better.