Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hot times in the city

What a steamy weekend! Temperature wise, that is. Things have been really blazing outside, so Mami and Papi have left the ceiling fans on, and at night they turn on the window air conditioner in the bedroom. Lulu has been airing her belly in the window all day.
I had to stay inside today because Mami and Papi trimmed the chicken's wings and let them go free range around the yard. They're afraid if I go out there, I will get pecked in the head, so when they're loose I stay inside. And then when they go back in their pen I get to go out again and play snake.
The other night Mami put this magic thing in the bathtub that turned the water all blue and smelly. It smelled so good I almost wanted to get in and swim around, but I decided against it. I just stood on the side and sniffed.
Right now I'm about to have a tasty bit of biscuit. Mami made biscuits for breakfast and there is one stale one left for me. Hurrah!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Feliz cumpleanos a mi!

Friday was my fourth birthday and I had a very nice time. Mami took me out to play snake for hours until I was very tired. Then I got extra biscuits and lots of time to sleep on the couch. It was a very good day, with all the things I like.
Tonight, while Mami and Papi were watching t.v., they gave me bites of pie and cheesecake! It was very exciting. Now I'm extremely full! A birthday weekend with naps and pie, what could be better?

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Good morning all! I have been spending the morning on the back of the couch, watching futbol on Telemundo with Papi. Its the Confederation Cup finals, Brazil versus US. I'm rooting for the US, and they've got two goals to Brazil's one. It's very exciting. Except sometimes I fall asleep.
Later on we're all going outside to pick cherries and Mami has promised to make a cobbler. I can't wait. I have been eating a lot of cherries lately out in the yard. The chicken ladies like them too. They fight over them when they land in their pen.
Hope everyone has time to get outside today, it's super nice out there!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Playing snake and having fun

It stopped raining long enough for us to have some quality snake time outside today, which was a whole lot of fun. Mami and Papi moved the chicken coop to a new spot and then Mami mowed the lawn while Papi and I played snake. It was really fun and I got Mami involved by throwing the snake in front of her lawn mower over and over again. She didn't think it was very funny.
The chickens and I get along pretty good now. We ignore each other most of the time. I only get excited if they flap their wings or if they're chasing flies, and then I only want to see what they're doing. Mami says they like strawberry tops and spinach leaves. Isn't that weird? So do I!
After we got done playing I brought snake inside and lay on the couch while Mami folded laundry. She washed my blankets and so I got to have nice clean ones for my bed. They're warm!
We did have some very very sad news today. Papi's Tia has passed away from cancer. Mami and Papi are very very sad. Lulu went and stayed in Papi's lap for a long time after they got the news. I don't like cats very much but sometimes they are very smart about things.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Left alone!

I hate to tell you this, but on Friday night, I was left all by myself! That's right. Mami and Papi went to Portland for the night and they left me here. It was awful.
Ok, its true that Tia Jennifer and Doris came and took me for a walk, and then played snake. And then they came back the next morning and we played in the yard for a long time. But in between I was ALL alone. Except for Lulu. But she's no help.
Now Mami and Papi are back and the house smells like chorizo and papas because it's dinner time, so I'm feeling a little better about life. Just a little.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day in the great outdoors

I realize the blog post makes it sound like we've been camping, but when I say outdoors I mean the back yard. It's been a pretty fun weekend around here. Mami has been working outside in the yard for three whole days, and tonight, Papi put a bunch of yummy food on the barbecue grill in back and I just sat there and sniffed the smoke, it was soooo good. I also kept an eye on the chickens. Mami won't let me chase them, but sometimes I march up with my stuffed snake and kill it right in front of the coop so they know I mean business. They dont really pay much attention but I know they're watching me out of the corner of their eye.
Mami took this funny picture of me tonight. She and Papi have been hanging laundry on the clothesline because it's warm and a little windy and things dry really fast. This is a photo of some of Mami's special things. They're bigger than me!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The chickens come home to roost

Last night the chickens arrived, Betita and Viola. My reaction to them was just about how Mami expected. As soon as a noticed them (which took a little while) I wanted to chase them. But after they figured out I couldn't get to them, they ignored me, which wasn't very fun, so eventually, after growling a lot, I lost interest.
Mami said it's going to take awhile before I'm very nice to them, but she said that someday we'll all get along. And when they're bigger we'll get to be in the yard together. What does "under supervision" mean?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chicken house progress

We're coming along nicely on the chicken coop. Mami spent last weekend at Abuelo's house getting it started, and he's been working on it since. I think it's going to be muy fancy, and I am sure that the chicken ladies will like it. I hope the chickens like me, especially because they're gonna be bigger than me!
Abuelo and Abuela are coming to bring the coop to us on Tuesday. I am excited to see them. The chickens won't arrive for a little while longer. They are still growing bigger and getting their big girl feathers.
This weekend Mami and Papi did spring cleaning and they did something called steam cleaning the couch. That means it's all wet and I can't sit on it. It makes me sad because that's my favorite place to sit. But it should be dry in a few more hours and then I can have a nice choodle nap.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Feathery new additions

Well I haven't met them yet but apparently Mami went with Tia Becky yesterday morning and picked out two baby chicks for us to have in the yard. They are so tiny that Tia's daughter is going to raise them for us unti they're big enough to come home. Meanwhile Mami and Abuelo are going to build a chicken house in the back hard big enough for them, plus a safe fenced place for them to be so that the raccoons can't snack on them.
I've never met chickens before so I don't know how I feel exactly, but Mami said they're black like me and Lulu and when they get big they'll be bigger than both of us! Their names are Betita and Viola. I bet when they get a little bit bigger they'll want to say some things on the blog too!
Meanwhile, it is 70 degrees and sunny today, and I am outside panting in the yard. Mami has been working like crazy on the garden since it's finally nice outside, and because the forecast calls for rain so she knows this nice sunshine isnt going to last. She's done so much work in the past two days it already looks like a brand new place! Lulu is spending her time by the open windows sniffing the air. I am just looking for a cool spot to take a nap!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fancy Sunday

Today was an unusual Sunday because Mami got up much earlier than normal in order to go to a fancy dress event with a friend. She got to wear a Regency gown and go watch a Jane Austen movie and then have tea with a bunch of ladies who were also dressed up.
Meanwhile, Papi and I slept in until 11 and then we wandered around for awhile because we were sleepy. Finally we went outside for some exercise.
That's when I surprised Papi. See he didn't realize, but I've had my eye on a hole in the fence for awhile. So when I heard our neighbor walking down the sidewalk with her little girl, I made a break for it. Papi was so surprised when he realized I was on the other side of the fence. He had to run out and grab me and take me back inside.
Then when Mami got home he showed her where the hole was, and they fixed it with wire and a staple gun. So now I don't have a place to escape. Until I find a new spot.
Then tonight we all went on a long walk, but I got scared a couple of times. First I screamed because a paper bag came rolling toward me. I thought it was a monster.
Then a little black and white kitten tried to follow me home and I started to cry until Mami chased her off. I don't need any more cats! One is enough.
When we got home Mami shared her quesadilla with me, and then we watched some t.v and I fell asleep on my back with my fang showing. It was really nice.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yard work and weird weather

Mami and I spent the afternoon digging weeds out of the garden in between rain showers, and I got a lot of digging done. There is lots of soft wet dirt where Mami pulls up the dandelions so I get in there and dig and dig and dig. I also pulled a bunch of the dandelions out of Mami's hands and carried them around the yard, and then she had to go pick them up again.
Afterward we hung some more fairy lanterns out that Mami bought, a green one and a blue one. In the summer we will put candles in them at night. It will be very pretty.
The strangest thing was that when we came inside during the last rain storm, it started snowing. Not enough to stick but still, it's crazy! It's almost April and still more snow! We cant believe it.
Mami planted some pink and purple primroses in the front flower pot on the step and put some pink dianthus around the back. It is supposed to be Spring now so she is trying to get things in order but the weather just wont cooperate.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New cousin!

Hello everyone! I just learned this morning that my Tia Chelsea has a new little one, a baby black tom cat! She just got him. Sadly, last week she had to put to sleep my cousin PD, who was very old and had cancer. He was a handsome black dog who was very sweet, although he didn't like kitties at all, so Tia Chelsea could never have one. But now she has a miniature version of Lulu! I am anxious to know what they are going to name him. I hope to meet him very soon!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Snow? Snow?

It's March, right? So what's up with the snow this morning? Seriously, things are screwy. First Mami tells me that we lose an hour today because of some government thing, which I don't understand, and then I go outside and there's snow all over the place. It gets in my toes and its really cold!
I like snow when it's winter time and we can run round and eat it like ice cream. But now it's time for sunshine and warm things. This world is a crazy place.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Friends moving closer

While I have some friends moving away, there are others moving closer. This weekend my Tia Jennifer and Catters and Cat Smacky moved into a new apartment much closer to us. In fact, it's on the same street as us, only, well, 15 blocks away. Which is almost more than I can count.
So they're getting settled in, and they're nice and close by now, so Mami doesn't have to go halfway across town to visit them. Hurrah!
Here is Catters and Mami having a moment.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

People I miss

I was feeling kind of sad today because I was missing my friend Charley. She and her Mami have moved away from here to a far away place called Columbus. I don't know where that is but Mami said it's too far to drive there.
Sometimes my Tia Candace sends me pictures so that I can see that Charley likes her new home. It's nice to see the pictures but I sure wish she could come play with me.
Tomorrow is Mami and Papi's seventh anniversary. I guess they are going to go out to a nice dinner somewhere that they can't take choodles. That's okay though cause I'll just nap until they get home.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where's the spring?

I can't believe it's still winter. I mean, there are lots of things blooming outside, and it smells really nice, but the yard is a big muddy mess and it's cold and rainy and it's still not nice enough for walks. I am stuck inside with Lulu, watching the rain and listening to music with Mami and Papi.
Speaking of which, Papi has a nasty cold. He didn't get out of bed until after 1 today, when Mami finally got him up by making eggs and bacon and cinnamon rolls. I hope Mami doesn't get the cold, because she's the one who takes care of me, and I need a lot of taking care of.
We have been having fun playing ball in the house, even when Mami was cooking this morning. And when Papi's sick I usually get to climb into bed with him and cuddle, which is also very nice. But I hope the sun comes out soon and the yard dries up so I can go out and play snake and eat grass and be an outside choodle.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lazy afternoon in the February sun

I made a video of the things I do when I'm hanging out at home. I spend a lot of time on the couch. Today it's really sunny so we've got all the windows open and we're enjoying the springtime air.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


I have a new favorite thing. When Mami takes laundry out of the dryer and brings the basket into the living room, she puts me inside the basket. Then I snuggle into the warm clothes as she pulls things out one by one and folds them. I stay in there until there's nothing left but the clothes I'm laying on, and then I have to get up so she can fold them.
It's so toasty in the basket and everything smells clean and nice. It makes me really sleepy and I yawn a lot. Afterward my hair gets kind of static-y, but my belly is all warm.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

How did it get to be February?

Hey folks. I have really been slacking and I'm sorry. I have been spending too much time sleeping in and watching t.v. on the couch, and not enough time on my blog. I am making it my late New Year's resolution to fix the problem.
Today was kind of exciting because my Tia Jennifer made a surprise visit while I was still in bed, and she brought me a new toy! It's this crazy looking yellow rubber chicken that squeaks. It's kinda tough for me to squeak myself, but Mami steps on it for me and it makes these great noises. I really like it. It's different from all my other toys.
Jennifer also brought Mami and Papi some coffee because they ran out this morning. Thank goodness for aunties!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Time to go outside

I hear that there are some big wind storms up north, but here in our town there's not a breeze blowing, and it's really sunny. Mami got up early and mopped the floors and cleaned the kitchen and then she took a bike ride to the store for breakfast stuff. We had a big brunch of yummy bread and turkey sausage and hashbrowns and now we've got the windows open because it's so nice out.
I had big tummy troubles last night so Mami took me outside twice to eat grass. I feel a lot better now, but just in case, Mami didn't give me any sausages. Which was sad. But now she's going to go out and trim back some soggy branches and leaves in the yard and I'm going to go help. I need to stretch my legs a little!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Lulu!

This weekend was Lulu's eighth birthday and since she's low-key about such things, we didn't celebrate with any big crazy party. Instead, Mami got her some party mix cat snacks for her breakfast, and she has a lot of fur mice to play with. Papi turned on the heater in the office so she could be toasty if she decided to hide out in there, which she did for most of the day. Mami was outside doing lots of yard work so I stayed in with Papi, who did a bunch of cleaning and then made Mami a big sammich. He brought it out to her and we sat on the front step and had a snack. I got the leftovers. It was great. Here we are this evening, all lounging on the bed with Papi, who is taking a nap. Still. You can see his feet in the photo. He gets sleepy really easy. Anyway, happy birthday Lulu!