Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fancy Sunday

Today was an unusual Sunday because Mami got up much earlier than normal in order to go to a fancy dress event with a friend. She got to wear a Regency gown and go watch a Jane Austen movie and then have tea with a bunch of ladies who were also dressed up.
Meanwhile, Papi and I slept in until 11 and then we wandered around for awhile because we were sleepy. Finally we went outside for some exercise.
That's when I surprised Papi. See he didn't realize, but I've had my eye on a hole in the fence for awhile. So when I heard our neighbor walking down the sidewalk with her little girl, I made a break for it. Papi was so surprised when he realized I was on the other side of the fence. He had to run out and grab me and take me back inside.
Then when Mami got home he showed her where the hole was, and they fixed it with wire and a staple gun. So now I don't have a place to escape. Until I find a new spot.
Then tonight we all went on a long walk, but I got scared a couple of times. First I screamed because a paper bag came rolling toward me. I thought it was a monster.
Then a little black and white kitten tried to follow me home and I started to cry until Mami chased her off. I don't need any more cats! One is enough.
When we got home Mami shared her quesadilla with me, and then we watched some t.v and I fell asleep on my back with my fang showing. It was really nice.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yard work and weird weather

Mami and I spent the afternoon digging weeds out of the garden in between rain showers, and I got a lot of digging done. There is lots of soft wet dirt where Mami pulls up the dandelions so I get in there and dig and dig and dig. I also pulled a bunch of the dandelions out of Mami's hands and carried them around the yard, and then she had to go pick them up again.
Afterward we hung some more fairy lanterns out that Mami bought, a green one and a blue one. In the summer we will put candles in them at night. It will be very pretty.
The strangest thing was that when we came inside during the last rain storm, it started snowing. Not enough to stick but still, it's crazy! It's almost April and still more snow! We cant believe it.
Mami planted some pink and purple primroses in the front flower pot on the step and put some pink dianthus around the back. It is supposed to be Spring now so she is trying to get things in order but the weather just wont cooperate.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New cousin!

Hello everyone! I just learned this morning that my Tia Chelsea has a new little one, a baby black tom cat! She just got him. Sadly, last week she had to put to sleep my cousin PD, who was very old and had cancer. He was a handsome black dog who was very sweet, although he didn't like kitties at all, so Tia Chelsea could never have one. But now she has a miniature version of Lulu! I am anxious to know what they are going to name him. I hope to meet him very soon!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Snow? Snow?

It's March, right? So what's up with the snow this morning? Seriously, things are screwy. First Mami tells me that we lose an hour today because of some government thing, which I don't understand, and then I go outside and there's snow all over the place. It gets in my toes and its really cold!
I like snow when it's winter time and we can run round and eat it like ice cream. But now it's time for sunshine and warm things. This world is a crazy place.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Friends moving closer

While I have some friends moving away, there are others moving closer. This weekend my Tia Jennifer and Catters and Cat Smacky moved into a new apartment much closer to us. In fact, it's on the same street as us, only, well, 15 blocks away. Which is almost more than I can count.
So they're getting settled in, and they're nice and close by now, so Mami doesn't have to go halfway across town to visit them. Hurrah!
Here is Catters and Mami having a moment.