I've finally grown in my grown up dog teeth, after having been a little bit toothless for a few weeks. It made eating kibble kinda difficult, so Mami soaked it in water. Then it was easy, but took away some of the flavor. I like it when things are crunchy, like the snack bone I get every morning at breakfast. First Mami gives Lulu some crunchy cat treats, and then I have to sit and wait to get my snack bone. Lulu is older so she gets things first. It's hard to wait.
The other night, I got to sit on Mami's lap and eat some pretzels. It was pretty nice. Normally I don't get many people snacks. Lulu really likes mashed potatoes, so she always gets a spoonful of those. I've never had mashed potatoes, but I know I would love them.
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