Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sparkles and wings

Sometimes, when people first meet me, they say I don't look much like a dog. Sometimes they say I'm a muppet, or a bat, or a lot of times, that I'm a gremlin. I guess I look a little different than most chihuahuas and poodles, and it comes across as slightly magical, especially with these big ears like wings.
That's alright with me, because some of my best friends are magical. I see fairies all the time, in the garden and sitting on the branches of the Hawthorne tree and sometimes peeking in through the windows on a sunny day.
Lulu sees them too, but sometimes she growls and barks at them. She doesn't like fairies because they are tricksters and would pull her tail as soon as look at her. But I think they're pretty funny.
There are gnomes too, they live in a stump in the back yard, and sometimes at night if you are looking outside at the right time you can see Brownies wander through on their way toward the dairy barns down the road.
I don't think Papi ever sees these things, at least, he doesn't say so. Sometimes, I catch Mami looking in the direction of a fairy, and although she doesn't point it out, I kind of think she sees it too, but I'm not sure.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Da moon

Remember how I was telling you about the moon the other night? Well, my Tio Casey is a super good photographer, and he went out to take pictures of the moon at the same time I was out looking at it, and he came back with some really beautiful things, like this picture he took downtown. He had to use his car to prop up his camera so it wouldn't get all blurry. His camera weighs a lot more than I do and it's hard to keep it still when you need a shot at night. Anyway, I borrowed this pic so you could see what I saw. Isn't it nice?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things I don't understand

A lot of times, Mami and Papi go off and do things without me, and they tell me that I can't go with them. Sometimes, I think they are eating without me, which isn't fair, but other times, they tell me they're going to a place called "The Gym." I thought at first they were going to see a guy named Jim, but then Mami told me it's where they get exercise, and that I would like the treadmill because I like to walk a lot, but the gym doesn't let dogs inside.
I wanted to know what the place looked like, because I get most of my exercise in the yard and on the sidewalk, so I asked Mami to take a picture of what it looked like, so last night she took a picture of Papi at "The Gym" for me to see. It doesn't look very exercisey to me, cause Papi's sitting down and everything. He can do that at home. But Mami said it was different.
Last night at about 2:30 in the morning, Mami's alarm went off and she got up to go outside for some reason, so I followed her. She carried me out into the yard because there are a lot of really big mean things out there like possums and raccoons and roof rats, and I could hear them squeaking and running around.
But she wasn't outside to see them. She wanted to see the eclipse of the moon. It started to turn dark orange and get all funny looking. I got bored pretty quick cause it was happening so slow, so eventually I just fell asleep in her arms. It was cold though, and we were outside a long time with Papi, but finally Mami was satisfied and went to bed.
People are weird.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Farmers Market fun

For once, Mami was able to get Papi up early on Saturday morning, that is, before noon, and we all trundled off to the Farmer's Market on the riverfront downtown. We met up with our friend Jennifer and Doris while we were there, and I got to see all sorts of neat things, like big stands full of vegetables and flowers, and street musicians playing fiddle music, and there were so many dogs you wouldn't believe it. We even met a pink poodle who was really snarfy, and a baby white chihuahua who was only 10 weeks old.
They have these really big cinnamon rolls there, and Mami and Papi split one, but Mami got overenthusiastic when she was eating, and a raisin flew off and landed in Papi's coffee. It was kinda funny.
Mami and Papi ordered big breakfast burritos from some people who came from Albuquerque, and they were filled with green chiles and cheese and potatoes and eggs and the tortillas were fresh. Mami shared with me and oh, it was so good! I even ate a green chile!
Afterward I was really sleepy and wanted a nap, so they took me home, 'cause I was passing out in Mami's arms. I can't wait to go back again. Next time, I wanna try one of those big cinnamon rolls!

Friday, August 24, 2007


I have a really hard time with blue jays, especially the ones in our yard. They're always landing on the fence making rude noises and jumping up and down, and they don't take me seriously when I chase them. Sometimes they even dive bomb me, which makes me SO mad.
Anyway, the other day when Abuela sent us up a package from Albuquerque, she included a stuffed blue jay with a tennis ball in its tummy, and I love it so much. I'm always trying to get people to throw it for me.
I like it so much that last night, Mami had to take it away because I had kind of part way ripped of its head. She would not let me have it back until she sewed it up again, and I got really anxious. Finally, it was all done and she threw it for me and I was really happy. I didn't let it out of my sight again until I went to bed.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Swinging and sickness

Yesterday afternoon, Mami and Papi and I took a walk to my favorite park, the one across from the dairy field, where you can see all the cows and smell all the weird smells. There's a playground there with sand that kind of smooshes between the toes, and a big swingset. I showed Papi how I could swing by sitting on Mami's lap. We went really high and really fast and it was fun and I didn't get sick at all.
Then on the way back, they found a big blackberry thicket and ate a lot of blackberries, and I found out I don't like blackberries at all. I spit them out. Mami said that meant more for them.
In the middle of the night last night, Papi woke up with a big headache and then he got really really sick, sicker than I got the last time I ate bad cherries. Mami was really worried. She tried to give him ginger ale but he couldn't drink it. It took him a long time to be able to go to sleep again. He felt a little better this morning, but I didn't get to climb into bed with him because Mami wanted him to have his rest. It made me a little sad.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New friends!

Last night some of Mami's friends from a far off, magickal place called Cape Cod came by to visit. They were pretty cool, especially my two new best friends, Sophie and Jackson. I even got some kisses in on their parents, Jim and Amy, but the best kisses were reserved for the smaller people. I even got to climb on top of them and jump! It was pretty sweet. I was really tired after they left, but I got in enough kisses for a whole week.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Papi's home!

Papi got home yesterday afternoon, about three hours after he was supposed to, because his plane had some mechanical problems, and then he got lost getting gas, and then there was a big accident on the freeway. He was pretty pooped when he finally got back, but now he's home and this morning I got to sleep on his belly after Mami got up for work. It's so nice to have another person to snuggle with when Mami goes off to write her stories. Plus he shares his chips. Here is a photo of me when I was a baby, snuggled with Papi at the airport on our way from Albuquerque to home. I was only a pound back then, now I'm more than six pounds and counting.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Spicy meatballs

Last night Mami and I went to Aunt Candace's for dinner, and oh, it was soooo good. Aunt C even gave me a spicy meatball, which was so yummerific. Plus she gave me some kibble that Charley gets, and it was much better than my kibble. I loved it! And Aunt C's mama played ball with me, and then we ran around the back yard, and it was really cool. When we got home, I fell asleep really hard in Mami's lap. I was tuckered out.
Papi keeps sending more pictures of my cousin Zia down in Albuquerque. She's pretty cute. I guess she's good about walking with a leash too. But she better not sneak into Papi's suitcase tomorrow morning or I'm gonna be mad!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Mami and I are getting excited to have Papi home again soon. He'll be back Friday, and we can't wait. It's been okay so far, because we've been super busy with summer chores and visiting. Tonight, for instance, we're going to go over and see my Aunt Candace and my good friend Charley, and tomorrow night, my Auntie Veronica is coming up to visit from southern Oregon.
But still, it's going to be awful nice to get Papi snuggles on Friday when he comes home. I am hoping he doesn't bring my cousin Zia with him, because although I really like other dogs, I don't want to share Mami's lap with anybody else. Lulu is bad enough.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Candles and crowds

Yesterday was the birthday of one of my favorite people, Miss Annie. She has a very kind heart and loves all animals, especially little pigs like me. She is going to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Right now she has a dog and a cat and a rabbit and chickens and would probably get more if she could. We have known each other since I was a wee pup and she was only 8. Now she's a big girl about to become a middle schooler. Her mama is my Auntie Becky, and her dad is my Uncle Jay, and he would like to steal me but Mami won't let him.
Last night after the party, Lulu got into Mami's lap at home, and I didn't care for that, so I got into her lap too. It was kinda crowded and we kept bumping into each other, but we finally settled down, and it was pretty nice and warm. Mami laughed at us but neither of us would budge until it was time for bed.

Monday, August 13, 2007


So this weekend I spent lots of time outside helping Mami in the garden. She had a bunch of new plants my abuela gave her, and so we got in the dirt and had lots of fun. I had my own hole to dig, behind the russian sage bushes, and Mami spent her time working on the primrose bed. It was really nice to get my toes in the dirt again.
Later on in the day we took a long walk all around, and Mami laughed at me because I guess I took a pee break right next to a big ol cat who was laying under a tree, and I never even saw her. Mami said she wonders about my eyesight sometimes, because I don't tend to notice a lot. But I think it's because I'm too busy thinking about other things. Besides, who wants to pay attention to some stinky ol cat.
In the evening, after Mami gave Lulu a good brushing, she gave me a new rawhide to keep me out of trouble. Yuuuum!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Fancy toes

This morning, Mami took me to the groomer's to get my toes done. I really really hate that. But this time, it took even longer, because not only did they trim all my nails really short, they also trimmed all the hair between and above my toes to make them less itchy, and at the very end, they rubbed peppermint cream on my pads to make them all soft and smelly. That part was kind of nice, actually.
Once my toes were all fancy, Mami took me home, and gave me a peanut butter cookie treat, and then gave me a brand new toy as a reward. It's a big pink weiner dog, and instead of squeaking, it honks. It's really cool, and it's bigger than me. I really like slinging it around and killing it. By tonight, I should have it all broken in.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Choodle update

Hey all! This just in, a photo of my cousin Zia, the jack chiweenie. Zia is my abuela's dog and lives in Albuquerque, where my Papi is visiting. She's wicked hard to photograph, so that's why the shot is a leetle dark and blurry. She and her brother Jack live with their parents, Diego and Frida, in Abuela's house. I guess they're quite the troublemakers!

Lulu in the laundry

Greetings all, it's Lulu again. Emma's decided to sleep in this morning so I thought I'd post for a change.
Things have been a little dull around here with Papi gone. Usually he's in his office late at night so I can sit on his lap, or at least hang around while he's working. Since Mami goes to bed early, I have to sleep all alone, which is kind of sad.
But I do like sitting around on the rocking chair at night and watching t.v. with Mami and Emma, and climbing around in the laundry piles when they're right out of the dryer, and watching out the window when Emma plays ball in the yard. And lately I've been getting extra snacks to help me cope with Papi being gone. It does help a little.
Still, I can't wait til he gets back and I can get more late night lap time!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Summer evenings

Summer evenings are so nice because it stays light out really late, and you can get a lot done. Last night, as soon as Mami got home from work, she put my harness and leash on me and we went out for a long walk. There's a big hill out west of our house, so we walked all over it, looking at all the big fancy houses and the gardens and the big fat cats.
Then we walked over to this little park on the other side of the hill, and after we walked all around it, Mami sat on the swing and put me in her lap and we did some swinging. I've never done that before. It's kinda fun, with the wind rushing in your ears and everything going real fast. Then I started to feel a little sick, but Mami stopped by that time.
After we went back home, Mami went over to Aunt Jen's house to have dinner. She got to visit my friend, Cat Smacky. He's a very big cat who likes to give big hugs and nibbles. Aunt Jen can spin him around and around on the kitchen floor. It's pretty funny.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Some relaxin'

We crammed a lot of fun into this weekend, including walks and snacks and ball in the backyard. Yesterday was kind of weird because the power went out right before Mami was gonna make coffee and breakfast, so she had to change plans and go find food somewhere there was power. That was okay with me because she brought me back coffeecake, yum! I helped her sort out cupboards and trim back bushes and fold laundry, and then when the power finally came back on I was so tired, I had a big long nap on the couch.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Fair time

Papi is off visiting my abuela for while, so it's just me and Mami and Lulu here at home. This morning, Lulu and I got up early and chased each other around the house for about half an hour. It was really fun, but Mami got mad cause Lulu kept running across her in bed. We finally got tired and fell asleep again.
Mami went to the fair today and brought back photos for me to see all kinds of neat chickens. There's one called a Polish chicken that looks like it's wearing a hat. My Tia Becky has 16 chickens right now and says if we want she will raise some baby chicks and give us black chickens. I would like to have some chicken friends in the back yard!

Friday, August 03, 2007


I spent this morning not feeling too well. Something is in my tummy and it wants to get out real bad. Mami's not sure what I got into, she was home with me all last night and she didn't see me eat anything bad, and frankly I can't remember what I ate either, but this morning I spent a lot of time in the yard eating grass and getting sick. I wouldn't even take my morning biscuit, and that's when Mami knows I'm really feeling gross.
I perked up a little before she left though, and was finally able to snack a little on the biscuit she'd left in my bowl, and I think if I have a good long nap I'll be back to my old self by this evening.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Outdoor fiesta

Last night was my Tio Tony's birthday, and Tia Lisa threw a nice outdoor party in their bonita garden, with flowers and candles and music. It was so nice! Everyone had enchiladas and pork ribs and cerveza, everyone but me, that is. I had to stay on a leash so I didn't chase the neighbor cats, and so I didn't jump on Kurt's lap and steal his corn. It was kinda frustrating.
But it was nice to be outside and watch Tio Tony light the candles and hear the birds singing goodnight. Since it was a Mexican themed party, Mami dressed up special and put flowers in her hair. Tio Tony wore a big flower crown that Tia Lisa made for him. It was extra fancy.
Feliz Cumpleanos!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Cherry juice

Boy did I get into trouble last night. See, it all started out innocently enough, with me running around in the backyard while Mami visited with my Tia Jennifer. The cherries have all fallen off the cherry tree, and are all over the ground, and I think they're quite snacky.
But the thing is, they're everywhere, so when I start marching, they get in my toes. That would have been okay, I guess, except that I got kinda frisky, and I did a running leap onto Tia Jennifer's lap, and then onto Mami's, who was sitting across from her. I didn't understand what had happened at first when they yelled, I thought they were just surprised, but then I saw big red stains all over their clothes. Cherry stains.
As a result, I got carried into the house and thrown into the bathtub, and Mami gave me a big soapy bath and scrubbed my toes HARD. The water was all purple from the cherries, it was kinda pretty but I couldn't appreciate it, being as I was soaking wet and grumpy.
I'm all clean and fluffy and cherry free. For now.
I don't have a picture of the cherry incident, but here is a neat photo of my Papi in Mexico. He's so handsome.