Yesterday afternoon, Mami and Papi and I took a walk to my favorite park, the one across from the dairy field, where you can see all the cows and smell all the weird smells. There's a playground there with sand that kind of smooshes between the toes, and a big swingset. I showed Papi how I could swing by sitting on Mami's lap. We went really high and really fast and it was fun and I didn't get sick at all.
Then on the way back, they found a big blackberry thicket and ate a lot of blackberries, and I found out I don't like blackberries at all. I spit them out. Mami said that meant more for them.
In the middle of the night last night, Papi woke up with a big headache and then he got really really sick, sicker than I got the last time I ate bad cherries. Mami was really worried. She tried to give him ginger ale but he couldn't drink it. It took him a long time to be able to go to sleep again. He felt a little better this morning, but I didn't get to climb into bed with him because Mami wanted him to have his rest. It made me a little sad.
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