So, my Tia Candace came by the other day with this big bag full of really excellent bones for me. They are all smoked and tasty and big as my head, so whenever Mami lets me have one for awhile, I disappear to one of my favorite hiding places and gnaw on it until I'm good and thirsty.
I get a little mesmerized when I chew on them, which can make me kinda jumpy. Lulu has learned not to walk too close when I have my bone, because I make terrible jumpy growly business at her when she comes near. Mami says that cats don't like bones. I would not jump to that conclusion. Even Lulu can smell how good my bone must be.
What's sad is, I don't get the bone when Mami is not home, because she says there could be splinters. So I only get it during "supervised time." I would like to sneak it when she's gone, but she puts it in the fridge and I haven't figured out how to open it yet. But I'm trying.
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