My goodness, what a busy weekend! First on Friday night, I got a visit from my Tia Candace and my good friend Charley, and it was so much fun! I got to jump around with Charley and then Tia Candace taught me all sorts of neat tricks. Also, she taught Mami something that Mami now calls the "Jerky Method." You know how I get kinda bitey when she gives me my medicine? Well, now she gives me a big mouthful of jerky before she puts stuff in my ear, and by the time I'm done chewing, she's already finished! It works really good.
Then on Saturday we took a loooooong drive to see my Abuelo and Abuela up in the montains. They still had a little snow on the lawn that I got to run through. In the afternoon when it got really sunny we took a long hike into the woods and I got to sample some elk poop when Mami was not looking.
Then I sat in the library chair for a while looking outside, as you can see from the photo.
Afterward we went to visit my Abuelita in her apartment. It was very exciting, so exciting in fact that I had a little accident in the hallway as we were leaving. Oops!
Sunday I spent a long time out in the yard while Mami raked leaves, and then I got to sit on her lap and sleep while she read a book. Then, on Sunday evening, Papi came back from Austin and it was so exciting! I am very glad that he is home.