This is Papi holding me at the vet's office this morning. I had to go see the doctor because I have been scratching my ears a whole lot and the fur has worn off, and Mami got really worried.
It turns out that I have a bad yeast infection in both ears. I guess some water got in them from either my bath or the rainy weather. Anyway, now it's all sore and swollen and full of badness down in there. So Mami has to put drops in my ears twice a day and then wash them out every other day until I get better. That's a lot of yuckiness, but I guess it's going to make me feel better. Eventually.
But anyway, the vet said I'm in perfect health otherwise. I'm just the right weight, my teeth are shiny, my coat is healthy and I have a good heart and lungs. So hurrah for me! Also, they gave me some Easy Cheese as a treat. That's the only good part about going to the vet.
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