Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summer reading

Lulu here. As you can see, I've been spending a lot of time in the office, brushing up on my summer reading. Whenever Mami and Papi come by, I hide my book and pretend that I'm just sleeping or rolling on the floor or licking my paws. But actually, I'm half way through "Love in a Time of Cholera." It's pretty good. I'd recommend it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So Mami said that when I eat pork I get really grumpy and snappy, especially when Lulu is around. I'm not sure why she thinks that. Maybe it's because I do a lot of growing and bouncing and biting in the air after a little snack like that. But I'm the same way when I get a new rawhide bone. Mami says Lulu doesn't want my bone, but I know she likes pork because I've seen her eat it. Cheese too. And sometimes ice cream. So you can never be too careful.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A very wise choodle

I may be very young, but I have been working hard to improve my mind these last three years. I know the names of all my toys, even the new ones. I know a whole pile of tricks, and I know the exact moment when Mami's about to drop food on the floor when she's cooking. I even know when it's time to put myself to bed.
Lulu thinks she's the smart one, but she's not even awake half the time.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Walks and walks

and walks. It's been super nice in the evenings so we've been taking nice long walks all around town. Miles and miles of them. I really like to get out and about in the summer. There's always people to meet and dogs to bark at and squirrels to chase. We went on campus and saw a whole bunch of people sitting on blankets, waiting for an outdoor play to start. I wanted to stay but Mami said choodles are not invited. Not fair.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Gardening tips

The other night, Mami went out to plant some flowers that Abuela brought her over the weekend. She had a whole bunch of roses and carnations and columbine to plant.
I'm pretty into gardening lately, so I decided to help out. So while Mami was digging with the big shovel, I jumped in the hole and started working on it too. But then Mami made me get out because I was blocking the shovel. I waited until Mami had stuck the rose in the big hole, and then I grabbed the branches and pulled it back out. I didn't think she had it at a very good angle. I wanted it flat so I could sniff them better.
But that wasn't Mami's plan. She took the roses away from me and stuck the bush back in the ground and then planted it. The dirt smelled really good and soft, so when she was done, I jumped in and started digging in it so I could feel the dirt on my paws. That's when I got dragged out of the garden.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Everybody's okay

Hello all! An evening update to let you know that we're doing okay. I had my booster this morning and although they did the dreaded temperature check (why do they use the same size thermometers for big dogs and little ones?) the shot itself didn't hurt cause the lady was so gentle. And I got cheeze whiz!
Papi's root canal went okay too, although it took three hours and they had do laser his gums because the broken tooth was so short. He is napping now but Mami is making him mac & cheese and mashed potatoes for dinner because they're soft and that's what he asked for.
I'm feeling chipper and didn't even need to take too many naps today. No more shots til next year, the vet said. Hurrah!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Tomorrow morning Mami tells me I have an appointment for a booster shoot. I am none too happy about that. But I hear Papi's got it even worse, he's got to go get a root canal in the afternoon. I don't know what that is but I'm pretty sure it's worse than a booster. So I'm just gonna play in the backyard and hope they forget the whole thing.

You're how old?

Today is my Tio Casey's birthday. He is still lots younger than Mami (like two years at least) but he gets grumpy when people remind him of that, so I will be quiet about it. Anyway, I am sending him good birthday wishes even if he doesn't want them!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

In the garden

Papi's new camera makes neat movies! Mami just made this one this afternoon. It's pretty cool! Hope you like it as much as the first movie! This one has music by the Mexican rock group, Kinky.

Papi's home!

Hello everyone! Papi got home late last night and we're all very happy to see him. We all slept in very late and then Mami and Papi went to have a late breakfast. Now we're all home and Mami has Papi's shirts on the clothesline and we're looking at photos of his trip! I'm so glad he's home.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Super Friends

Last night we went over to Tia Candace's house to help her pick out some new wood floors and new countertops for her bathrooms. She is going to move somewhere far away so she is selling her house and wanted Mami to help her pick out some fancy things that will make it sell faster. I am very sad that she is leaving but it won't be until after Christmas which is a long time away, thank goodness.
After we looked at house stuff, we went in the front yard and Charley and I played and played. I got really tired. Moosh the cat was in the back so she didn't get to join in on the fun. I don't think she is interested in playing chase anyway.
When I left, Tia Candace gave me delicious jerky and a new squeaky fuzz ball toy that I have named Bleu. It is my new favorite thing.
Hope you all are having a good weekend. Papi gets in tonight and I am very excited!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bartender, gimme another one

Sometimes, when I am really interested in something Mami's eating but I am not allowed to sit up and beg, I go to the other side of the coffee table and pretend I am ordering food.
This apparently is cute, because sometimes Mami hands me a little snack across the table. It works especially well if I put one paw on the table and kind of lean into it. Papi calls it "Ordering a sasparilla." I don't know exactly what that means, but as long as I get food out of it, I'll keep doing it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rawhide time

It was so cool and nice out last night, and after a great game of throw the stuffed snake in the back yard, I settled in for a long night of chewing on my rawhide. It was very pleasant. And then I slept in Mami's robe on the floor, which is a special treat. I think I've caught up on my rest time now.
This morning, Mami was mad because after getting rid of the sugar ants coming in from the utility room door, a whole new batch of them is coming through a plug in in the kitchen. She spent a long time chasing them around with vinegar and then putting ant poison out where Lulu and I can't get to it. Stinky ants.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Heya. I'm pretty tired today, so I'm gonna blog quick. I got to sleep with Mami last night because it cooled down really nice around here, but she was having a lot of trouble sleeping so I didn't get much rest. So much tossing and turning. It was bad. She kept turning on the light and then turning it off, and then I had to jump out of the way when she rolled past. I didn't like it. Maybe tonight I'll sleep in my bed instead.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, one snake. My favorite one. I've been carrying him around a lot outside lately. Since Mami won't let me have my tennis ball outside because I get obsessed with it, this is my new outside toy. It's pretty fun to stand in the grass and kill it over and over. Here I am, waiting for Mami to throw it. You can see I'm panting because it's super hot outside. It's a pretty neat snake and has a good throwing range. Sometimes I get swocked in the head with it, but it's stuffed so it doesn't hurt, and it gives me an excuse to kill it harder.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Family update

Papi is in New Mexico on his book tour and visiting family, and this is the latest photo of our newest cousin, Bela Violet. She is verging on cuter than me, but I'm not threatened. Because I'll always stay choodle size, and eventually, she has to go through puberty. But right now, we're neck and neck.

A little respite from the heat

Lulu here. Alright, it's cooler today so I think I can handle it. Mami even left some windows open for me this time. As long as I lay low and don't get chased by Emma I think I'll be okay til she gets home. Maybe I'll even have enough energy to catch that fly that got in last night. Emma tried but she's not much of a high jumper.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm melting

Lulu here, and can I just say I'm fracking hot right now? Seriously, this world was not made for people in fur pajamas. Nothing I can do seems to help. I make myself as flat as possible on the living room floor and still I'm hot. Emma eats popsicles all day so she's fine, but I don't like popsicles, which leaves me no outlet.
It's 10 a.m. and it's already climbing to 80. I am not looking forward to the day. The only thing that's brought me joy this morning is that while I was laying around Emma walked by, and I swocked her in the belly with my paw and made her jump. That was a pretty good moment.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Post 500!

Heya! This is my 500th post, which is not bad for a choodle who has just turned 3! I am at home with Mami today and it's really really hot outside. Every time I go outside to help her check out the laundry on the line, my toes get itchy because the ground is blazing hot.
Today I really miss Papi a lot. Even though Mami let me sleep in the bed last night, it's not the same. He will be home in a week, but it seems like a long time away, so here is a photo of Papi with Tio Victor in Mexico, just 'cause I like this photo.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Party weary

I had the best time last night. My Tia Becky and Annie and Jace and my Tia Jennifer and Doris came over and we spent the evening in the backyard, playing bocce ball (I helped Doris win by moving her ball closer to the goal) and eating chips and salads (I love chips!) and running around. Then we had peach pie! Oh, it was sooo good. And Tia Jennifer and Doris gave me the most beautiful present. Well, it's for me and Mami. It's a special box with a heart inside. I love it! Mami put it on a shelf that's low enough that I can look at it. So pretty!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Today is my third birthday. I don't feel any different, although I'm sleepier than normal because last night, I was on patrol, and barked all night. Mami was pretty mad at me. She said that every time she tried to fall asleep, I would hear something and bark at it. I was up until at least 3 a.m. There were just a lot of noises outside, and since Papi is gone, I have to be on alert. It's my job.
Tonight is my party. There is going to be peach pie and lots of salads. I am going to take a nap until it happens so that I will be ready for the fun.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Just hanging out

Papi's off at a conference and won't be back for awhile, so we're just hanging out with Mami in the evenings. That means we all pile on the couch and read together. Well, Mami reads and the rest of us either stare or nap. We stare if we think there's food, and then when we realize there's no food, we nap. It's not a very exciting time, but it's nice.
Tomorrow is my birthday, and Mami's having some friends over for a party. She says there will be lots of snacks. I'm very excited!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Friends and neighbors

This last weekend, several of my tias were on vacation for the Fourth, so Mami had a whole pile of animals to check on. There was Cat Smacky and Catters who needed snacks and some litter box attention at Tia Jennifer's, and then Snickers the Rabbit and another kitteh at Tia Becky's. There were also chickens but they didn't need anything other than a talking to (they were mad because they were stuck in their pen).
I didn't get to go check on them because some of the cats and chickens don't appreciate choodles chasing them. I don't know why.
Here's a photo of Papi with Cat Smacky. They're looking at a bug.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Tio Andrew's wedding

Well, I begged and I begged but I didn't get to go to Tio Andrew's wedding. That's okay though, because I would have had to wear my dress and I HATE my dress.
Anyway, Mami and Papi drove all the way up to the big city in their fancy, fancy clothes to go to the wedding, which was in this big modern theater right next door to their favorite bookstore, Powell's City of Books.
Mami said the wedding was very beautiful. Everyone was super fancy, and there was a bagpiper, and lots and lots of yummy food and cupcakes for dessert. But there were no other choodles there, so maybe it was good I didn't go. Here are some photos of Tio Andrew and Tia Jessica, and also Papi making a zombie face at the reception.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Attack of the killer chipmunk

Hey everybody, just trying out my minimal video skills with this first ever Emma movie! Let me know what you think! It's basically me and Mami playing with my favorite stuffed chipmunk. Hope this works! Once I get this down I will try to do a few others occasionally, like me weeding in the garden, or me chasing Lulu down the hall. Exciting stuff!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Feliz dia de la Independencia!

Hello everyone! I thought I'd take a paws from celebrating the Fourth of July and wish you all a safe and happy three-day holiday weekend. I've been sleeping in late with Papi, but Mami is about to make us waffles and turkey bacon before we head out to do some yard work. This photo was taken last Fourth over at my abuelos house. Have a good time! And be mindful of all the pets in your neighborhood, because us dogs and cats don't like fireworks. It hurts our ears.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Diggin and dancin

It was such a nice evening yesterday that Mami and I spent hours and hours in the yard. First we shared a big ice cream bar as a special treat between us, and then Mami started cleaning off the patio, putting fuschias in big clay pots, and putting lawn chairs out.
Then we went inside and gathered a bunch of lanterns and sun catchers and shiny things, and brought them outside and hung them in the trees. Then we watered all the plants and gave them big long drinks. We were outside until it got dark!
Mami has some new ideas for things she wants to do, including more solar lights, and maybe a mural on the garden shed. And definately more weeding. I think they should buy a table and chairs and start eating their breakfasts outside so that I can snack off their plates. But that's just me.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Garden party

Last night, Mami and Papi got on their bikes with a cherry cobbler and a bottle of white wine in Mami's bike basket, and then went to see Tia Lisa and Tio Tony and have a barbecue in their garden. I really wish I could have gone, but they have two new cats and Mami was afraid I'd chase them all over the yard. That's not good party manners.
Anyway, Mami always gets ideas from their garden, and she is really impressed with all the lamps and lights they have scattered in the yard. She is hoping to figure out a way to do something like that in our back yard. That would be exciting! We'll have to see what she comes up with.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Spending a lot of time with my rawhide lately. It's pretty much my favorite thing these days. I take it with me everywhere, and if possible, I like to lean it against somebody's leg and just get to work with it. But Mami says it's pokey and slimy and she makes me sit in the corner of the couch with it, which is sad. And she also won't throw it for me because she says it's not a toy and throwing rawhides is bad for the wood floors. So then I take it to bed and chew it by myself, since no one else will play.