Hello all! An evening update to let you know that we're doing okay. I had my booster this morning and although they did the dreaded temperature check (why do they use the same size thermometers for big dogs and little ones?) the shot itself didn't hurt cause the lady was so gentle. And I got cheeze whiz!
Papi's root canal went okay too, although it took three hours and they had do laser his gums because the broken tooth was so short. He is napping now but Mami is making him mac & cheese and mashed potatoes for dinner because they're soft and that's what he asked for.
I'm feeling chipper and didn't even need to take too many naps today. No more shots til next year, the vet said. Hurrah!
Moosh, Charley and I are very glad to hear you and your papi are doing well, Em's.
Moosh, Charley and I are very glad to hear you and your papi are doing well, Em's.
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