I am a creature of the night. While most other doggies are fast asleep in their beds, I like to roam the halls, or hall, of our house, looking for stray Kleenex to kill, pieces of lint to snack on, spiders to harass.
Big sis Lulu is up at night too, but she says that cats are supposed to do that, and that choodles should stay in bed and sleep. She doesn't care for me springing out from behind doors and chasing her through the living room at 3 a.m. She wants to prowl alone. But sleep is boring. I do that all day!
Sometimes, though, when the mood strikes and I howl at the moon, I get in trouble. Mami yells at me from bed to be quiet (Papi sleeps through everything). Every once in a while, she even puts the gate across the door so I'm stuck in the bedroom all night. I hate that. I need my freedom to roam. I am a born explorer. If I'm stuck in the bedroom, how will I know if a prowler breaks in, or if there are ghosts in the bathroom? I cannot be confined! It's against nature!
Ok, time for a nap.
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