I spend a lot of time in the library in the summer, because Papi is there working away, which means Lulu is in the window, which means I'm on the rug soaking up sunshine and making sure Lulu doesn't get any special pets or treats while I"m out of the room.
Lulu likes books a lot, mainly to rub her face on, or sleep on when its hot. I don't care for them myself, because my ball always gets stuck under the bookshelves and then I can't reach it. But I guess Mami and Papi like books, because they've got tons of them. I can't count past 16 (that's four toes on each paw) but I know it's more than that. Mami likes to lay on the couch on Sundays and read books, and they always get in my way of laying on her lap, which is frustrating, 'cause they're all pokey and not fun to lay on. She tries to read to me but I just fall asleep.
What I do like is when she eats and reads at the same time, because then I'm sure to get snacks. My new favorite snack is the raspberry jam my Aunt Candace makes. I eat it on english muffins and boy is it good. Much better than some stinky hard book.
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