Thursday, September 20, 2007


So this morning it was very chilly, and Lulu got really cold, so she spent a lot of time on Mami's lap, which made me very angry. I am the one who should get lap time, because I'm smaller and cuter and fiestier. I tried to jump up and down and show Mami that she was making a big mistake, but she just called me "Celosa," which means jealous, and told me to go away. Lulu purred at me and was quite stuck up about it. I hate that.
Last night while we were all sitting on the couch together, Mami found this really cool video from Israel about the Wizard of Oz. That's Mami's favorite movie. This one is kind of weird, because it has a singing pug. That creeped Papi out a little bit, but Mami thought it was funny. Anyway, here it is, in case you want to see it.

I've never tried embedding a movie before, I hope it works! Anyway, enjoy the singing pug. I don't speak Hebrew so I'm not sure what they're saying, so if anyone can translate for me, at least what the pug is saying, I'd appreciate it.

1 comment:

Jake Ten Pas said...

I guess low-cut latex miniskirtsuits don't come in gingham? Gotta agree with your papi that the singing pug is creepy as, well, any other computer-animated speaking or singing animal. My dog sings without computer animation, so take that Israeli Vanilla Ice!