Monday, December 31, 2007

The family

As promised yesterday, I'm going to be posting photos of family and friends down in New Mexico that Mami and Papi brought back from their Christmas trip. Today, I thought I'd introduce you to Frida and Diego, my abuela's dogs. I met Frida when I was very tiny, but she didn't like me too much. In fact, I think she would have smacked me if no one would have been looking. But I guess I was kinda annoying back then. Frida is a chihuahua-daschund, and her husband Diego is a chihuahua-Jack Russell. They have a daughter, Zia, who you'll meet tomorrow. Frida is actually pretty nice, but Diego is very fiesty and barky and jumpy, and he doesn't like Papi too much. He let Mami pet him though, although he jumped the whole time. They like to spend their days in the back yard, and then come in at night.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! After a pretty uneventful week with the housesitter, my padres finally returned and now we're all back together as a family. I'm very pleased to see everyone again. I guess they had a good time in New Mexico. They brought back lots of photos which I will share with you this week. This photo is of the new scarf my Abuela sent me as a Christmas present. How was your holiday?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Holiday hiatus

Happy Holidays everyone! Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice, and Christmas is coming next week, and we're all wound up around here. Mami and Papi are getting ready for their holiday trip to see my abuela in Albuquerque, and the housesitter is coming tonight to learn the ropes. Although he's a blogger too, he has his own blog to take care of, so I'm going on holiday hiatus until January. So I hope you all have a wonderful time with friends and family, and I'll see you all next year (or a few days before, if I'm feeling peppy!).
Con carino! Emma

Thursday, December 20, 2007


This is me modeling something Mami's working on this week. No, it's not a dog sweater, although I think I look really good in cranberry. Actually, it's something for humans to keep them warm, and it's a gift for one of my abuelas, but I can't tell you which one in case she reads this. Mami really likes to knit, and even though she's just learning and can't make complicated things like socks yet, she is getting pretty good at scarves and hats and blankets. She has to hurry up on this project though because Christmas is right around the corner!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cousins in the house

Here are some pictures of my cousins in North Carolina. They are Meggie the peek-a-poo and Molly the cocker spaniel. They live with my Mami's cousins out there. I have never met them but they sent me a very nice e-mail. Hello, y'all!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Meet Yoshi

Okay everyone, my new friend has a name. Remember the Pomeranian puppy I introduced you to last week? Well, his Mami and Papi have now named him Yoshi. As you can see, it's a short fuzzy name, like him! Welcome, Yoshi! Maybe we can have Yoshi do a guest blog when he gets a little more acquainted with the world.

Holiday time

Well, it seems like the season has officially started. Mami spent two hours wrapping gifts yesterday, and getting them ready to pass out to various friends and family. Lulu helped, but I was cold so I stayed on the couch in my blanket. Then last night Mami and Papi got all dressed up and went out to a Christmas party, and they came back full of rum cake and tamales. Not fair.
I get to go visit my Tia Candace later this week for a dinner and gift exchange, and get to see Charley too. I bought her a present, but it's a surprise, so shhh.
Next week Mami and Papi will be visiting my Abuela in Albuquerque, but we have a nice house sitter coming to stay with us. He is nice, and sometimes he takes care of Tia Lisa and Tio Tony's house and cat too. I hope he likes to give out biscuits.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Back again

Hello! You're probably wondering where I've been. Well, what happened was that my Abuelo had to have surgery on his eye because he had a cataract, which is the same thing sometimes I hear dogs get but I guess people get it to. Anyway, Mami had to go drive him to the hospital for surgery and then stay up there with him and Abuela and Teddy and take him around to appointments and things for a few days. She got back yesterday but today she had to work all day long, so she finally got around to helping me with my blog tonight. Here is a photo of Abuelo. He's feeling much better now and Mami said he only has to wear his patch at night. I think they should put one of those collars on him so he doesn't itch, like when I got fixed.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Another new friend!

This is my brand new friend, a tiny baby Pomeranian owned by my Mami's friend Wendy, who is also Dewey's Mami. You may remember that Dewey is a handsome chihuahua who is also my secret boyfriend. He is so new that he doesn't even have a name yet. He came in to visit Mami's office the other day. He is as tiny as I was as a baby, only more fluffy. His Mami is still considering names.

Movie time

The other night, Mami went with my Tia Jennifer and the girls to see "The Golden Compass," and she told me all about it when she got home. There are a lot of animals in the movie, including lots of dogs and cats, and they're all kind of magical. The animals are all supposed to be soul companions of their humans, and everybody has one. When Mami came home, she said that I was hers, and that Lulu was Papi's. Which kind of matches up, because Mami is more bouncy and chipper like me, and Papi is more grumpy and yowly, like Lulu.
I guess the best part was the scene with the ice bears, which sounded real exciting but I think it would be too scary for me. I get kind of worried when I see shows where animals fight. I also hear there's a monkey that gets slapped. I kinda wanna see that.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Snow and cookies

This morning when we all woke up, it was snowing outside! It never stuck but it snowed for about an hour and it was very pretty. Lulu and I lined up along the couch to watch it. Then, after breakfast, Mami spent several hours making Christmas cookies, and I helped by sampling dough and licking up all the flour, as you can see from my white beard. After all the cookies were baked, I got to help eat a few before she popped them in the fridge. Yum!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

A wag of the tail to you

It somehow escaped my notice that over the weekend, my number of visitors topped 1,000! As of right now, I've had about 1,070 visits to this blog. Thanks everybody who has stopped by. I now have friends around the world! Feel free to comment on my blog if you're new and you like these little stories about my life. Wag wag!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Holiday preparations

Sunday afternoon we finally dragged the Christmas trunk out of the living room closet and started putting up decorations. We're not getting a live tree this year because Mami and Papi are going to be visiting my Abuela in Albuquerque for Christmas so there's no use in putting up a big tree that needs water, 'cause it's one more thing for the house-sitter to deal with.
But she has a small tree, about my size, that she keeps in the closet, so she decorated it with white lights and red Christmas balls, and its very festive next to our Navaho rug. There's also a lot of Santas all over the place, and fancy things hanging from our dining room chandelier, and various pretty decorations that are all too high for me to sniff.
It looks very nice, especially at night when Mami turns on the lights. It gets very sparkly and it makes me kinda sleepy when I stare at them. I really like Christmas.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Monkey bats

For the last couple of days, we've been watching the Sci-Fi miniseries "Tin Man," on t.v. because Mami is a huge "Wizard of Oz," fan, and frankly, I'm lucky I'm not a boy or I might have been named Toto. Anyway, there are these characters on there called "Monkey Bats," which we couldn't find a picture of, but they're basically a bat-monkey hybrid with big ears and wrinkly noses and monkey bodies with wings. They're really scary, but at the same time a little bit cute.
So Mami and Papi think that I look like a baby monkey bat. I'm not so sure, but I don't think they mean to be insulting so I'll let it pass.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Sunday it was so rainy and windy outside that no one wanted to go outdoors. Papi went to school to work on the final proofs of his new book, and Mami and I stayed home and watched home decorating shows while we did laundry and chores. Then we got really inspired by all the stuff we saw, so Mami went into the guest room and took down all the Indian vases and paintings and the saris and bedspread and the purple pillows, and packed them all away.
Then she went into the linen closet and pulled out a big embroidered quilt abuela made her when she was a baby, and a whole stack of vintage table cloths and embroidered pieces, and hand-stitched pillows, and she redecorated the whole room. It was pretty neat. It looks like a whole different place.
Lulu was checking it out this morning. She likes birds, so her favorite thing in the room is the quilt.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Windy weekend

Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't been writing much, we've been real busy here with chores and work. Yesterday, Mami threw a baby shower for my Tia Becky, and we had a whole table full of snacks and two tea sets. It was so fancy. I got lots of snacks from my friends, including Doris and Annie, who like to give me cheese and cookies. Later on, Mami took the leftovers to work so that the photographers could eat them, because they were cold and tired from covering the Civil War game. I got to see my Tio Casey, and wrestle with him. I love to visit work!
Today it is so windy and rainy that the power blinked once. Mami is worried that it will go out because we have electric heat and it's cold! Hopefully it will be okay. Otherwise we have to use a lot of blankets.
So here is me in the kitchen this morning waiting for a biscuit. Mami ate sausage and eggs for breakfast and I didn't get any. Not fair.