Sunday afternoon we finally dragged the Christmas trunk out of the living room closet and started putting up decorations. We're not getting a live tree this year because Mami and Papi are going to be visiting my Abuela in Albuquerque for Christmas so there's no use in putting up a big tree that needs water, 'cause it's one more thing for the house-sitter to deal with.
But she has a small tree, about my size, that she keeps in the closet, so she decorated it with white lights and red Christmas balls, and its very festive next to our Navaho rug. There's also a lot of Santas all over the place, and fancy things hanging from our dining room chandelier, and various pretty decorations that are all too high for me to sniff.
It looks very nice, especially at night when Mami turns on the lights. It gets very sparkly and it makes me kinda sleepy when I stare at them. I really like Christmas.
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