Sunday it was so rainy and windy outside that no one wanted to go outdoors. Papi went to school to work on the final proofs of his new book, and Mami and I stayed home and watched home decorating shows while we did laundry and chores. Then we got really inspired by all the stuff we saw, so Mami went into the guest room and took down all the Indian vases and paintings and the saris and bedspread and the purple pillows, and packed them all away.
Then she went into the linen closet and pulled out a big embroidered quilt abuela made her when she was a baby, and a whole stack of vintage table cloths and embroidered pieces, and hand-stitched pillows, and she redecorated the whole room. It was pretty neat. It looks like a whole different place.
Lulu was checking it out this morning. She likes birds, so her favorite thing in the room is the quilt.
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