I am really tired this morning. I can barely keep my head up to look out the window. Last night everyone went to bed early but I just wasn't tired, so after they turned out the lights, I just paced around the room, back and forth, trying to wear myself out. Finally I put myself to bed, but I still couldn't sleep, so I made a lot of loud sighing noises. I could hear Papi telling me to go to sleep but it just wasn't working. I kept thinking about April Fool's Day, and the trick Lulu played on me. It was night time and I had walked into the bedroom to look for one of my toys. What I didn't know is that Lulu came into the hallway behind me and hid herself behind the basket that has all the newspapers in it.
When I walked back out into the hallway, I stopped for a second to look around, and all of a sudden, Lulu leaped out from behind the basket. I jumped about a foot in the air! Then I tried to chase her, but she chased me instead, and I had to run and hide on Papi's lap, and he laughed and me and called me names. So I got mad and went to chase Lulu again, and she chased me AGAIN! So I had to run back on Papi, despite his meanness. It was a really rough night. I could hear Lulu laughing too, in her little cat way. I hate April Fool's Day.
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