Man, just when I thought summer was here, the rain rolls in and it gets chilly. I was so cold last night I had Mami close up the windows and I curled up really tight in a ball next to her so that I could stay warm. And this morning, when I went outside for my constitutional, it was all wet in the grass and icky. I thought that June was supposed to be nice and sunny!
Yesterday afternoon I got to spend time in the front yard, which is normally forbidden 'cause there's no fence. But Mami was weeding out there before the rain started and she said I could be out there with her if I stayed within four feet of her, so I was really good and didn't wander off. In fact I got right in there with her and pulled up some of the weeds and carried them off for her. I'm super good at digging weeds, and I get to help all the time.
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