My bold protection of the cherry tree has earned me some deadly enemies, in the form of two blue jays who have the same love of cherries as I do. They spend all their time bouncing up and down in the branches, or sitting on the fence giving the cherries the eye, and squawking.
Well I don't care for their noisy behavior, so I run up and bark at them. First they would get scared and fly off, which was very satisfying, but lately, they haven't moved at all. In fact, they lean down and yell insulting things at me, things that Padre Lucas has told me never to say or repeat. And yesterday morning, one of them had the nerve to swoop at my head! Can you believe it?
Papi thinks that I'm gonna get bonked in the noggin with a beak pretty soon, and Mami's worried that they'll just carry me off. I'd like to see them try!
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