I had a fabulous amount of fun this weekend, and oh, it was so nice to enjoy it outside. On Saturday, my Auntie Candace threw a big tea party at her house, and when Mami and I got there with our tea sets, she had a big frilly purple bow for me to wear. My friend Charley was already wearing a pink one.
Once everyone got there, I had such a good time getting snacks from everybody, and then we went outside to play in the sunshine, and I discovered a cool new game called croquet. At first, I tried to carry off everyone's croquet balls, but I got chased off, so I had to content myself with a tennis ball, which was pretty nice, and Charley didn't try to take it from me.
The only time I got grumpy was when I met this chihuahua-papillon named Spanky. I decided I was going to be bossy and I chased him and growled. He didn't like that very much. I've never met a dog who got scared of me before. I was pretty proud of myself but then Mami got mad at me and Auntie Candace made me be nice by tricking me with treats.
On Sunday, I got to play with Doris, who is 11 and loves me very much. We ran around in the sprinkler and then we made a fairy house with hazelnut shell cups and rose water. It was pretty fun!
Today, I plan to nap and recouperate.
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