Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Heeeeeere's Yoshi!

Hey folks! Remember Yoshi, the baby pomeranian? He's gotten a lot bigger, and today, he visited Mami's office, along with his older brother, Dewey the chi (my secret boyfriend). Isn't he getting big and cute? But he's still smaller than me, and he's a big puffball.

Winter weather accessories

I can't believe how often it's snowed this month! Last night was another example, when it snowed those huge flakes that make it look like a Hollywood movie set. "Course, this morning it was just slightly white and very rainy. I wish we'd just get one huge snowfall and then be stuck in the house for a week. That would be fun!
Mami likes this kind of weather cause she gets to wear all her hats and fancy scarves. She made Papi a big ol' stripey scarf from yarn my Tia Lani gave her, it's really neat looking. And she made herself a purple and green mottled scarf the other day that goes with her green hat that Tia Candace helped her pick out. She would make me a scarf, but I think they're itchy and chokey. I prefer to run in the snow in the buff, thank you very much.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bienvenidos, world visitors and new friends!

Hello everyone! I have noticed that a whole lot of my visitors in the last week have been from all around the world, including India, Spain, Argentina, Romania and pretty much any other place you can imagine. Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you had fun looking around my site! Please comment if you like what you see! You can do it in Spanish if you wish, Mami is really good at reading Spanish too, and she can translate for me!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Paw of fury

So, the scariest thing that ever happens to me is when I'm in the bathroom with the door shut. Every time I'm in there, this mysterious and very dangerous thing happens. First, I hear the sound of metal clinking against the hardwood floor outside the door. Then I hear this very low scratching noise, like something very large is scrabbling around. Then it gets quiet for a few seconds, tick tick tick, and then suddenly, this massive black, fur-covered arm comes shooting out from under the door. Sometimes it's just a paw, and sometimes it is the whole arm, all the way up to the arm pit, and the paw has these huge claws coming out of it, and it waves around, and if I get brave and try to bite it, it swipes at me.
It is the most terrifying thing ever. I totally love it. Someday, I'm going to catch it. But not yet.


It started snowing around 3:30 yesterday, and it was so cold that everything was instantly all white. It was really pretty, and I sat on the couch and watched it until I got sleepy. Then I fell asleep and dreamed about ice cream.
When Mami came home it was already getting dark, but she put on her snow boots and we went out into the back yard to play for awhile. It was really frosty but I liked jumping around in it.
This morning it was all still here, although it never got above half an inch. It's 22 degrees this morning and the snow sticks to your toes like anything. Mami took a picture of the yard while I was doing my business by the Hawthorne tree. It won't last long so enjoy!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Always look on the bright side of life

It's cold today. I mean really, really cold. It was 22 degrees when I went outside this morning. My toes ached. It was ridiculously chilly. Painfully frigid.
But it's also very sunny. That means, as long as Papi doesn't turn the heat down too low, I can stay warm on the couch, and let the sun hit me. Lulu usually goes into the guest room for the same reasons. It's not like July sunshine, that becomes so toasty that my fur crackles. But it's still a nice little burst of light on the belly. Of course, that could change in an instance. I hear it's gonna snow tonight. If it does, I'll send you guys some pictures.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The malintent of Cat Smacky

As a rule, I am suspicious of cats. That's not to say I don't have a lot of cat friends, in fact, as you know, I live with one. But I still can honestly say I don't know what they're thinking most of the time. Take, for instance, my friend Cat Smacky. He lives with Doris and Tia Jennifer and Catters. Cat Smacky is a very gentle and loving cat, when it comes to people. But when it comes to Catters, he is the very devil. He chases her off the scratching post, leaps on her from unexpected places, and tries to bite her much harder than is friendly. Sometimes Catters calls Lulu to complain about this kind of treatment, and sometimes Tia Jennifer even sprays him with a water bottle, but he is just a big bully. You can see him in this picture, waiting for the chance to prove his malintent against poor Catters. They should just let me loose in the house. I'd show him who was boss. Maybe.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Comfort Zone

Yesterday, everyone was a little under the weather. Mami is just finally getting over her cold, Papi is just starting to get one, and I was just feeling, well, poopy. I was kind of interested in playing and eating, but I was more interested in being held. Luckily, since Papi was feeling low, he was also very still, so I had a chance to climb up into his arms and stay in a soft, warm place until I felt better. Lulu came over too, and then Mami, so pretty soon we were all on the couch together and it was nice. I feel a lot better today.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

More on couches

So Mami and Papi went to this lecture tonight about how indigenous people sometimes take a communal view to property and living spaces, and how other people can take lessons from that view of shared resources. That got me thinking about the way Lulu and I use the couch. We're both about the same size, and take up about the same amount of space on the couch, and when Mami is in the middle, were good about staying on our sides.
When we're by ourselves, we each stay on our end, or one of us takes the top and one the cushions. The only time we fight is if one of us has the blanket and the other one is cold.
So I think that the couch is our version of the commons. We share our resources equally, and everyone gets what they need, no more, no less. Only I get any crumbs. Cause Lulu is too dignified for crumbs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I think I've talked before about how I have a problem with sharing things. For instance, laps. I don't like it when Lulu gets to sit in a lap and I don't. And snacks. If someone else is having a snack and I don't get a part in it, I get really upset.
But the one thing I do share is the couch. I know that if I don't share, I'll get in trouble, and besides, there's plenty of room for that sort of thing. As long as I have my end, and Lulu has hers, it's okay by me. But I don't want her to get too close, or there might be trouble.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Feeling small

Last night, while standing on the couch trying to steal some edamame from Mami's bowl, I got quite a surprise. Lulu, whom I thought was asleep, was actually secretly awake, and when I stood up next to her, she leaned over, upside down, stretched out her paw and smacked me across the rear end. I jumped about a foot in the air. She didn't use her claws, thank goodness, but it was still quite an unpleasant surprise. For the rest of the night, I kept my butt out of paw reach.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New tricks? No thanks.

It's been a bleak sort of weekend with lots of gray and not much going on. Mami has a chest cold and Papi has a back ache and no one is very chipper, but I have had a chance for lots of snuggling, which is pretty nice. Now we're watching a dog agility show, and Mami says I can learn some tricks, but so far I'm not impressed. Besides, there are no choodles on this show.

Friday, January 11, 2008

A group shot

Last night, because it was Lulu's birthday, everybody got to have tuna in their bowl, even me! I really love tuna, although maybe not quite as much as Lulu does. At least, I don't scream with joy when I hear the can opener. But I do think it's quite tasty.
This morning, Lulu slept in, but I hung out with Mami and Papi before they left for work. Here, you can see Papi is still reading the paper, but Mami and I are trying our cute looks.
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Lulu!

Today is Lulu's seventh birthday, so let's all give her a big kitten cheer! Huzzah!

Meal time

Last night, Mami brought home Chinese takeout after she went to the gym, and I got a bowl of steamed rice, which was pretty fantastic. I really enjoy eating a whole lot, more than is perhaps appropriate, but I never gain any weight because I move around so much.
I was thinking about how much I like sitting with people who are eating, and realized I never posted any photos from Thanksgiving, so I thought I'd share one now. You can't see me, but I'm sitting under the table, waiting for someone to accidentally knock some turkey off their plate.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Captain Courageous

So this morning it wasn't raining or snowing outside, and I got to have the run of the yard. But just as I was finishing up business, I heard something suspicious in the bushes. Turns out, some strange and stripey neighbor cat was doing his own business in MY yard! Well, I was going to have none of that.
I burst into those bushes as puffy and growly as possible, and that cat didn't know what hit him. He was up on the top of the fence before he even knew what was happening, and then Mami finished him off by clapping at him. She said that I was lucky I didn't lose an eye, going after a cat twice my size, but I think I put the fear of Choodle into him.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Choodles are magic

It is so squishy squashy rainy outside right now that it's not even funny. I took one step out into the mud this morning and came right back inside to use my box, because I am not going out in this. Last night around midnight it snowed a real wet cold snow and Mami went out onto the porch and brought me a handful of snow to eat, but even then, I wouldn't go outside. It's ridiculous. Choodles need a lot of sunshine to warm their ears and bellies and keep them cheerful. January is not my favorite month.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Snowy paws

We've had two mornings of snow in a row, and it's been mighty chilly out there during my morning constitutional in the yard. It's hard to find a clear spot not covered with brr! Yesterday, it was snowing these huge flakes bigger than my head, and I got all covered with the stuff. It was okay though, because it made the grass extra crisp and tasty.
But it's also cold as heck, so when I get inside, I dry off and then snuggle on the couch, that is, after my biscuit reward. I also got a bath yesterday, so I'm pretty curly again, but not for long. Usually a few naps and I'm back to fuzzy again.

Friday, January 04, 2008

My friend Chuy

I always like expanding my list of small dog friends, and this is a brand new one. His name is Chuy, and he is a dog of uncertain origin, but is very handsome and only a little bit bigger than me. He lives outside of Santa Fe in a fancy Southwestern house, and he has a habit of getting into trouble. For instance, the other night, he snuck into the kitchen and stole a steak off a plate, and ate the whole thing! He got in a lot of trouble about that. And he didn't feel very good either. I wish people would leave steak lying around my house.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


So this is my cousin Lucky. I posted a picture of him when he first came into the family. He lives with my Papi's cousin, Nicole, and Mami and Papi got to meet him on Christmas Day. He is a very soft and sweet little guy, and unlike me, he likes to wear clothes. For Christmas, he got a little jacket that says "Punk" on it, and he thought it was very stylish. I suppose he looked pretty good in it, but frankly, I'd rather be nekkid. Here he is with Mami.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My cousin Zia

This is my little cousin Zia. She is a Jack Chiweenie, because her Mami Frida is a chihuhua daschund and her Papi Diego is a chihuahua Jack Russell. She is very shy, and very fast, and she only lets my Abuela pet her. She is very pretty and sweet but she is shy of strangers. She gave my Mami a kiss but she wouldn't let her snuggle. That's too bad, because Mami is a very good snuggler. Anyway, here she is!