Thursday, January 17, 2008

More on couches

So Mami and Papi went to this lecture tonight about how indigenous people sometimes take a communal view to property and living spaces, and how other people can take lessons from that view of shared resources. That got me thinking about the way Lulu and I use the couch. We're both about the same size, and take up about the same amount of space on the couch, and when Mami is in the middle, were good about staying on our sides.
When we're by ourselves, we each stay on our end, or one of us takes the top and one the cushions. The only time we fight is if one of us has the blanket and the other one is cold.
So I think that the couch is our version of the commons. We share our resources equally, and everyone gets what they need, no more, no less. Only I get any crumbs. Cause Lulu is too dignified for crumbs.

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