Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Winter weather accessories

I can't believe how often it's snowed this month! Last night was another example, when it snowed those huge flakes that make it look like a Hollywood movie set. "Course, this morning it was just slightly white and very rainy. I wish we'd just get one huge snowfall and then be stuck in the house for a week. That would be fun!
Mami likes this kind of weather cause she gets to wear all her hats and fancy scarves. She made Papi a big ol' stripey scarf from yarn my Tia Lani gave her, it's really neat looking. And she made herself a purple and green mottled scarf the other day that goes with her green hat that Tia Candace helped her pick out. She would make me a scarf, but I think they're itchy and chokey. I prefer to run in the snow in the buff, thank you very much.

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