Friday, December 29, 2006

Feliz Ano Nuevo

Hey folks! Mami's gonna be away from her computer for the 3-day weekend, so I thought I'd wish you all a very happy and safe New Year celebration. I did a few rounds of visiting my friends today to give them holiday kisses. I saw the folks in the newsroom first, and then went to see the people at Papi's school. I had to give out a whole lot of kisses, and boy was I tired, even though Papi carried me around in my special bag.
I'll be back to tell you about my weekend next Tuesday. Until then, I send you a virtual beso!

Are you ready?

There's not much love for sports around our house, except during the World Cup, but for Christmas, my abuelos gave me a football that I really love. It's squeaky and exciting and I am really happy about it. I carry it all over the place and throw it at Mami and Papi.
Today, Mami said there's a big bowl game going on. We live in a college town, and our team is playing some other team. Normally Mami wouldn't care, but the paper she works for makes it a big deal, so she wore team colors to work today, because she's filling in as the boss and she wanted to set a good example.
Meanwhile, I'm staying home with my football. Go team!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Busy days

There's just no end to the visitors during the holidays. Last night we had another house full of guests, and I was pretty happy to find new people to play with. I have a lot of new Christmas toys, and I needed to try them all out.
It's also nice when people eat things at our house, because there's always something that gets down to floor level. Last night, it was a salmon and apple tea sammich. I gobbled it up before anyone caught me.
It was really good, but later, I had a really loud burp that everyone heard, and Mami said I was rude and didn't have any manners. But I just had to let it out!
After that, I kinda got a little sick in the guest room, but that was because the salmon didn't agree with me. Next time I'm sticking with tuna.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Post holiday bliss

Well, I don't know about y'all, but I am pooped. All this traveling and snacking and socializing has me worn to a frazzle.
Now I'm all for being festive, and I love to see my extended family, but after spending my Christmas trying to stay out of the snapping jaws of Teddy the Corgi, eating too much Christmas cake and playing with all my new toys, I really don't have the energy to do much today.
Mami and Papi are both busy working, which leaves me at home to nap. And trust me, I need the break! Lulu is well rested, she spent the holiday by herself at home. She doesn't know why I'm complaining. She doesn't understand how exhausting it can be to be a choodle.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Well, it's Christmas Eve, and we're gearing up to head north to the Abuelos' house for a Christmas Eve party. Mami is working late, but as soon as she gets home we'll make a dash for it. I've got my little bag all packed with my leash, my kibble and my new Christmas tee. It's pink and black and has Blondie on it. It' s pretty rockin.
I hope you all have a very happy holiday and get to eat lots and lots of treats. I'll report back on the day after Christmas and let you know how it went. I can't wait for Santa to come visit!
Feliz Navidog everyone!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Solstice!

Hello everyone and Happy Solstice! I love the winter solstice because it means that the days are gonna get longer from here on out. Last night, we had a really fun Solstice dinner with my Tia Chelsea and my new Tio David. They didn't let me eat any of the nummy chicken and potatoes, but I did get to sit with them afterward and have some cookie snacks.

I like that Tia and Tio both let me lick their chins and give me cuddles and bounce me around. They both taste like cookies, which is okay by me. And Tia said they bought me some Christmas gifts, which I'm very excited about. I can't wait for Christmas and presents and maybe pie! We're going to spend Christmas Eve at my abuelo's house in the mountains. Lulu can't come, because our cousin Teddy the corgi doesn't like cats. She has to stay home. Poor Lulu! Lucky me!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Life on the couch

Sure, we've got a whole house to roam around in, but for the most part, we like to spend our days on the couch. It's got pretty much everything we need, big cushions, a view outside through the picture windows, a coffee table that usually has some crumbs, and right now, a big ol Christmas tree to sniff.
When Mami and Papi aren't home, we curl up next to each other on the couch and wait for them to come back. Sometimes Lulu sleeps on the arm, and I sleep in a corner, but when it's really cold, and no one is watching, we sleep right next to each other, because it's warmer. We still aren't really that crazy about each other, but it's just nice to share a little body heat when the temperature dips real low. But don't tell anybody.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Feliz Navidog!

Hello everyone! This was a very busy weekend for me, as I played a crucial role in helping get things ready for the holidays. For instance, I sniffed the tree really hard before it got brought in, and after it was decorated, I thoroughly inspected it. It seemed secure enough, so I let it stay.
Lulu really likes the tree. I'm not sure if it's all the shiny lights or the ornaments, but she likes to stare at it and sniff it and be near it whenever possible. She was drinking out of the bottom, but Mami covered it up with a sheet so she couldn't get into it. I guess tree water is kinda bad for us.

In addition to my tree duties, I also helped sample all the baked goods Mami made this weekend, including the peanut butter cookies and the coffee cake. They both passed inspection with flying colors. I'm always ready to help with important missions like that.

Monday, December 11, 2006


I was pretty busy this weekend, helping Mami around the house. As you can see, my chores included sitting on fresh laundry, removing dirty socks from the pile in the utility room, chasing Lulu and barking at the front door.
Luckily, there was plenty of time to take breaks, and Papi took me on some walks as a reward.
There were also opportunities to watch Christmas movies on t.v. and nap on the couch on Mami's lap, and occasionally snack on some popcorn. All in all it was a productive couple of days.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Morning nap

As Mami can tell you, I like to get up early for my "constitutional" outside, and to have a bit of breakfast, but after being up an hour or so, I get a little sleepy again. That's usually about the time Mami has to go to work, and so I sidle up to her and suggest that perhaps, if she's leaving, she might put me on the bed so I can curl up next to, or on top of, Papi. Here's me this morning, settling in on his belly. We get a couple good hours of sleep in before Papi usually gets up. It's nice and warm and cozy and quiet. It's my favorite morning activity.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Holiday spirit

You know why I love this time of year? Because I get so many treats. Everyone of my tias and abuelas brings me gifts, and there are always extra snacks lying around, and more company than usual. It's a great thing! For instance, the other day, Mami came home and handed me this spectacular new ball. It's red and green and very Christmassy, but it's also fuzzy and it squeaks, so it's got a lot going for it! I'm pretty excited about it. It's become my new favorite toy. I could play with it all day long, if someone would throw it for me. I wish Lulu could throw it when Mami and Papi aren't home. But she prefers to sleep. Boring old cat.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Movie time

Normally, I don't care too much for television. It distracts Mami and Papi when I want attention, and sometimes it's too loud.
But on Saturday night, Papi put on a movie that I've never seen before, and suddenly, I was riveted.
It's called "2001: A Space Odyssey." Papi said it's a classic. Mami says it's boring. And maybe some of it is, but the first 10 minutes I just stared and stared. There were these monkey things that were hooting and shouting and jumping up and down, and I couldn't get enough! It was so amazing! I folded my paws and cocked my head and watched and watched.
Then there was a spaceship and I got really bored so I fell asleep, but that was the longest I've ever watched anything on t.v. before. I hope they let me watch it again sometime.
Meanwhile, I've been helping wrap Christmas presents. Hurrah!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Last night I got a little crazed. I'd been home by myself all day, and when Mami and Papi came home, they took a nap, and I was so bored. Finally, I couldn't take it any more. I started to race around the bed, yelling and crying, and threw myself against the mattress over and over again.
Finally Mami woke up and put me on the bed and called me a "Craisin." Then she and Papi wrestled with me for a while, but I was so crazy I got all wild and bitey.
That's when they put me in my trench coat and we went for a long walk. It was cold but it wasn't raining, and it was real quiet out because everyone else in the neighborhood was asleep. It was pretty fun, and I finally got tired out. Sometimes, you've gotta be a Craisin to get your way.