Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday stroll

Tia Jennifer and Doris came over Sunday afternoon for a little visit, and we took a lovely walk in between rain showers. I kinda got jumped by a young Australian Shephard but she wasnt mean, just overly friendly. The view was really nice and the air was very crisp. Then we came home and had some ice cream. In the evening, after they left and Papi came home, we had chicken and potatoes, although no one shared with me.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Papi comes home!

Well, I stayed up reeeeally late last night waiting for Papi, and he finally came home after midnight cause his plane was a little delayed. I was so excited to see him! I greeted him at the door with a special dance. Then everybody slept in really late and then Mami got up and made us all peach crepes! Now Papi is wandering around in his pajamas working on his syllabub, I don't know what that is but I guess he needs it for class.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Despite the snow that keeps appearing around these parts, the world is really starting to bloom. As you can see from this photo, yesterday I ran around in the very muddy yard enjoying the flowering bushes and things that are looking so pretty and smelling so good. We've got all sorts of white and yellow things in our yard right now that are bursting with floral goodness, and pretty soon the tulips will be blooming too, and adding some pink and purple to the scene. I really wish Mother Nature would get her act together and stop dropping snow on our flowers! Seriously.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tewtally not fair!

So while it's raining, sleeting and snowing down here and my paws are getting all muddy in the yard, Papi is lounging on the beach in Puerto Rico, soaking up the rays and having a good time. He gets to eat all sorts of yummy food and listen to good music and see all the pretty things, while I stare at Lulu and lick my toes. Sigh.

In trouble again

While Papi's been gone, Mami has been nice and left the gate down that normally keeps me in the bedroom at night. That worked ok for the first two nights, but last night, Lulu kept coming into my room and teasing me and making me chase her. That would have been okay except I forgot Mami gets mad when I wake her up with barking.
So the third time I did this, at about 1:30 a.m., Mami flew out of bed and started yelling. I ran back to my bed and hid under the covers, and she got out the baby gate and put it across the door. She told me that I lost my privileges. Lulu got yelled at too. Now we're under house security until Papi gets home.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Being patient

Mami can tell you that I have a little trouble being patient. Especially when it comes to something I really really want, like snacks or a walk or going outside to play scooter ball. If I think any of those things are going to happen to me, I line up right away and then if it doesn't happen, I start to bounce until I make it happen.
Tia Candace was over the other night trying to teach me new tricks, and she said I'm better behaved than a lot of little dogs, because I know how to wait when you give me a snack, and Im not all barky and bitey. But that doesn't mean that I don't have some little teeny issues, like bouncing for food, and trying to rush out the door when I see company coming.
But some things you have to wait for. Like Papi, for instance. I really want to see him, but he left to go on holiday in Puerto Rico, and I have to be patient until he comes back so that we can snuggle again. Bouncing doesn't help make the time go faster. But it makes me feel a little better.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A special Easter visit

It was so exciting when my Tia Chelsea and Tio David came to visit on Sunday. I have been saving up my special choodle kisses for Tia Chelsea, and she said she had the cleanest chin in Oregon after I smooched her. I got to snuggle and sit in her lap and get tangled up in her hair and it was very wonderful.
They were only supposed to stay for a little bit, but then their truck battery died and so they had to stay a long time while Mami and Tio David tried to fix things. Tia Chelsea was sad because they were supposed to go to the beach for their anniversary. But finally Tio David got the truck to work, and they were on their way with Cousin PD (the big black dog) wagging his tail in the back of the truck. Here they are Monday morning on the beach! Hurrah!
Oh, by the way, today is my Abuelo's birthday. He is 56 years old. I don't know how many that is in dog years. A lot.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mami meets Obama

So I try to avoid talking about politics on my blog because, well, for one, I'm way too young to vote, but sometimes you just can't avoid it. I wasn't planning on endorsing anyone for president, because I don't want to speak for all choodles, but I figured that it might be okay for me to at least say that I think Obama's a really nice guy. I mean, he went to a pizza place in town and Mami got to hang out with him, as you can see in this picture. He ate some cheese pizza and kissed some babies and talked to everyone for a really long time. Mami said he is a very nice man. I wish I had been there, I would have given him a speclal Choodle kiss.

Happy Easter

Hello everyone! I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a visit from my Tia Chelsea and my Tio David today, but I thought I'd send you all a Happy easter note. Many bunny kisses to you.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fun with pictures

Yesterday when Mami came home from work, she and Lulu and I hung out in the guest room taking pictures. There is a south facing window under the guest bed where Lulu likes to look outside, and it is always full of light even when it's rainy out, like it was then. So we took turns getting our pictures taken. Mami had a really hard time getting me in the picture, so these are the three best shots.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Spring!

Hello and Happy Spring! It's really here at last! I took a long long walk on Tuesday with Mami and it is so nice and sniffy outdoors. I can't help but feel enthusiastic.
Last night I was sharing the couch with Lulu and Mami, and she kept crowding us out, so I started giving her some kisses on the face, thinking she'd get mad, but she just purred! So I gave her some more, and she purred louder! I think she liked the kisses. Mami thought it was really really funny. So I gave her some more and then Papi laughed at us and we finally stopped because I got embarrassed. I wouldn't have done it if I thought she'd like it. Weird cat.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Good morning everyone. I hope you're eating a lot of shamrock cookies today, but Mami says stay away from green beer because it's nasty, and no self-respecting Leprachaun would drink it. She says go for the whiskey.
This weekend my Tia Kate came to stay. She kept Mami very busy. There was lots of knitting and shopping and even a birthday party for my Tias Jennifer and Becky. Tia Kate likes Lulu a lot more than she likes me. She thinks I'm weird. She also won't let me kiss her or sit on the couch when she's there, so I had to stay on Mami's lap all weekend. I got kind of tired of it. But Lulu was really sad when she left. She sat on the guest bed all last night in the covers because she was depressed.
Tonight Papi comes home. He has been gone since Wednesday. I really miss him.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mmmm nachos

Last night Mami had a whole lot of cleaning to do in the house since my Tia Kate is coming, and so she didn't want to cook dinner. Instead she brought home my favorite treat, nachos! I was so excited that I tried to eat the whole plate myself but Mami chased me off. It smelled so yummy with all that cheese and meat and those chips! I love chips!
Finally after Mami was done she gave me some leftover snacks off the plate, and they were full of goodness. It wasn't quite as much as I wanted, but it was pretty tasty.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Catching up on choodle sleep

Last night, after Papi left on the Red Eye for Michigan (two questions, what's a red-eye and what's Michigan?) Mami and I went to bed early and slept and slept and slept. We were both very tired, and Mami was kinda still sicky and kept making this kind of rumbly noise in her chest, like there were kittens inside fighting.
Anyway, we both felt better this morning, although I'm kinda bummed that Papi's not home, 'cause that means no sleeping in.
My Tia Kate comes to visit tomorrow. She has never been to our house before, and I only met her once when I was a very tiny puppy. She doesn't really like dogs very much, but I'm a very special choodle, so I'm sure she'll like me. Who couldn't like a choodle?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Starting Monday night, everyone in the house was sick. Papi had his bad chest virus thing and he gave it to Mami, who felt really stinky, and then I started to throw up a lot and my nose got really dry. None of us could sleep and at about 3 a.m. we all got up and went to the kitchen and drank lots of water, me included.
Tuesday morning Mami wasn't feeling any better so she went to work and brought home all her notes and then she and I spent the day on the couch while she worked on her stories and podcasts. Papi had to go to work but he came home as soon as he could and then we sat around eating ravioli and watching "The Jane Austen Book Club."
This morning no one feels much better accept me, but Mami had to go to work and Papi has to go do something important at school. I'm glad that as a choodle I get to stay home every day.
By the way, through this whole thing, Lulu has felt fine. Lucky cat.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Diggin into spring

What a busy weekend! There is so much to do in the garden right now, with everything popping up left and right and the sun coming out again. Mami has been doing lots and lots of digging and weeding and raking and trimming, and it's starting to get exciting. You can see little bright green thingies coming out of the dirt all over the place!
Yesterday she even mowed the lawn for the first time in forever. I love it when she mows cause I get to run in really big circles around and around her. She has this push lawn mower thing that is older than Abuelo, and it is really quiet, it just goes whrrr! as she pushes it. It doesn't have any stinky gasoline or anything, it's Mami powered! Pretty cool stuff.
Anyway, after we took a muy largo walk up and down hills and peeked into other people's gardens, we got to work in the yard again, and we even dug the lawn furniture out of the shed. Papi said Mami is too enthusiastic and that it's gonna be too rainy to sit outside for awhile, but Mami couldn't help it. It's just so nice and sunny right now, she couldn't resist.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Shout out

This Friday morning shout out goes to my Primo Diego in ABQ. How's it goin' in the 505? Diego does a lot of shouting, actually. He gets to bark a lot more than I do. He'd kinda fierce and bouncy. I expect it's the Jack Russell talking. His pareja Frida is much quieter. But he is very handsome, no?

Thursday, March 06, 2008


You have to be very quiet because Papi's sleeping in today. See, he had this awful snotty cold and it's making him feel really tired and achey and nasty. He went to bed really early last night but then got up when Mami brought him organic apple juice and some nice pesto pizza. It was tasty. Now he's sleeping again and he sounds kinda stuffy so we have to be quiet until he feels better.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lulu and presents

Lulu here. We got a big box in the mail the other day from Grandma Flora in Albuquerque. Sadly, there were no cat presents inside, but I have taken a fancy to this red corset purse she sent Mami. It smells really good and it's satin, so I like to rub my whiskers on it. Maybe I can store some of my fur mice inside it, if Mami doesn't mind sharing it with me. It goes really nice with my fur.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My 2000th blog hit!

Hey everybody! I just got the 2000th hit on Choodlemania! Congratulations to my Tia Lani, who was the lucky person to visit my blog just now, and push the visitor counter to 2000! I am so excited!!!

Flashback to snow

No, it's not snowing out here right now, in fact it is the Springiest of Spring weather, but I just got some photos back from this winter, and I thought I'd share a few night snow moments. I am glad that it's all green and warmish now, but I love a good run in the snow.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Yard workin'

It was so sunny and nice on Sunday that there was almost no one indoors. Mami and I spent a lot of time outside, because she wanted to catch up on all her garden duties. Mami has lots of them. Yesterday's list included climbing up on the ladder and cleaning out all the gutters around the whole house, raking the rest of the leaves out of the front yard, and trimming back some branches that were tangled in phone wires.
Papi stayed inside and cleaned house.
Finally, Mami went into the back yard and we played scooter ball for half an hour until I laid down in the grass with my legs stretched behind me to rest. Then she took me inside so I could nap. Unfortunately, I think I brought a little friend inside with me, a grass flea. That means flea medication again! Aye carumba!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sunday morning brief post

Heya. Just woke up long enough to say Happy Anniversary (a day late) to Mami and Papi. This is them last night before they went out for fancy food. Don't they look nice? They didn't have any leftovers. That was too bad!