Monday, December 18, 2006

Feliz Navidog!

Hello everyone! This was a very busy weekend for me, as I played a crucial role in helping get things ready for the holidays. For instance, I sniffed the tree really hard before it got brought in, and after it was decorated, I thoroughly inspected it. It seemed secure enough, so I let it stay.
Lulu really likes the tree. I'm not sure if it's all the shiny lights or the ornaments, but she likes to stare at it and sniff it and be near it whenever possible. She was drinking out of the bottom, but Mami covered it up with a sheet so she couldn't get into it. I guess tree water is kinda bad for us.

In addition to my tree duties, I also helped sample all the baked goods Mami made this weekend, including the peanut butter cookies and the coffee cake. They both passed inspection with flying colors. I'm always ready to help with important missions like that.

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