Monday, December 04, 2006

Movie time

Normally, I don't care too much for television. It distracts Mami and Papi when I want attention, and sometimes it's too loud.
But on Saturday night, Papi put on a movie that I've never seen before, and suddenly, I was riveted.
It's called "2001: A Space Odyssey." Papi said it's a classic. Mami says it's boring. And maybe some of it is, but the first 10 minutes I just stared and stared. There were these monkey things that were hooting and shouting and jumping up and down, and I couldn't get enough! It was so amazing! I folded my paws and cocked my head and watched and watched.
Then there was a spaceship and I got really bored so I fell asleep, but that was the longest I've ever watched anything on t.v. before. I hope they let me watch it again sometime.
Meanwhile, I've been helping wrap Christmas presents. Hurrah!

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