Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lulu chat

It's gotten pretty cold and rainy here the last couple of days, but I've been curled up in Mami's bathrobe keeping warm.
Emma has this new thing where she goes outside all the time, but I don' t like it one bit. I never get to go outside, I have to sit by the window and watch. Sometimes I stand up and scratch the glass and yell, but Mami never lets me come out.
It isn't fair, because I can see all kinds of tasty birds and bugs and things outside, things Emma doesn't even look at. I don't see why I can't have a morning trip into the yard. I'm sure it would be nice to roll around in the grass and maybe climb a tree or two. But I never get the chance. Mami's too fast for me, and she closes the door before I can make a run for it.

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