Thursday, June 12, 2008


Last night Lulu and I helped Mami sort through a trunk that the Abuelos had brought up when they visited on Saturday. It was full of old photographs, and Mami went through and sorted them out and put them in nice stacks while I sat on her lap to supervise. She found some really neat old photos of her grandpa in the 1930s, and then some photos she took when she was a teenager.
There were some really neat pictures of Mami's childhood dog, Alice, who was an Australian shephard-doberman pinscher mix. She lived to be 16. She was a very pretty dog, and like me, she didn't like to be dressed up, but she'd wear a bandana for a cookie. You can't see her tail in this picture but it had a big white tip at the end like a flag.
Mami put the photos in a big fancy box and showed them to Papi when he came home. I like seeing pictures of other dogs, it's exciting to hear stories about the good old days.

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