Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Lulu thinks about breakfast

I have discovered a way to get my breakfast delivered as early as I want it.

Before Emma came into the picture, when I wanted my breakfast, I would wake up Mami by patting her on the nose or sitting on her pillow and leaning over to stare at her until she woke up. Sometimes I'd have to lick her eyelids, but eventually she'd wake up and feed me.

But once Emma arrived, I decided to take a more indirect approach. You see, at night, Emma has to be locked in the bedroom with a gate so she doesn't get into trouble while the padres are asleep. When she wakes up in the morning, she cries until Mami takes her outside, and then we get fed.

Well, if left on her own, Emma sleeps until Mami's alarm clock goes off. But that is too late for me. I prefer breakfast at 7 a.m., just after the sun comes up. So I've figured out if I go into the bedroom really early and wake Emma up, she'll cry for Mami. It works every time.

I tested my theory this morning by not waking her up, and sure enough, she slept until 8:30! That means I have to wake her up bright and early tomorrow, so that we'll get fed at a more proper time.

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