Saturday, June 09, 2007

Walking into trouble

Yesterday was a good day for getting into trouble, even though I never mean to. It was one of those super nice days that sometimes happen in between a week of showers, and so Mami spent time outside under the cherry tree, where I always like to go, because I can eat all the cherries that fall on the ground. I don't eat the pits or the stems, I spit those out and just get the good part.
Well, while I was walking around looking for more cherries, I got back into the bushes where I normally don't go, and when I came out, I was covered in these little sticky green things.
Mami says they're burrs, although that's a funny name, cause it was hot out. Anyway, they were stuck pretty good in my fur, and I didn't like it when she pulled them out. They made tangles and I screeched. And once she got them out, I forgot and went back in the bushes again and got covered a second time. I guess Mami got pretty aggravated, because she told me if it happened one more time she was going to shave my fur off to get the burrs out. So after that I stayed out of the bushes.
That night Mami took me to have dinner with Auntie Candace and Charley. They ate outside so Charley and I got to sit near them and smell all the good food smells. Papi was supposed to come but he has the bad allergies and he stayed home in bed.
After dinner I went inside and saw Auntie's cat, and thought maybe she was like Lulu and needed a good chasing so I chased her all around the house. Mami caught me just before I got her, and then when I saw how puffy and growly and mad the cat was I realized I guess I had a lucky break. Lulu doesn't hit with her claws, but I guess this cat does. Auntie Candace says I'm lucky to still have my eyes. Next time, I'm supposed to remember not to chase cats that aren't Lulu. There are way too many things to remember when it comes to being good.

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